James Watt and the Steam Engine
James Watt did not actually invent the steam engine but just expanded on the ideas of the ancient Greeks. He invented the separate condenser which allowed the steam engine to use more of it's energy.The steam engine transported coal and other important minerals. information:http://inventors.about.com/od/wstartinventors/a/JamesWa
picture: http://0.tqn.com/d/inventors/1/G/4/5/james_watt.jpg -
Invention of the Power Loom
The power loom was invented to make cloth. It was a lot faster than some sitting down with a weaving in hand. He got a patent fot that power loom and started making a lot of cloth with it. The power loom was also important because eventually, men were replaced in the factories by women. information:http://areyn-history.blogspot.com/2008/04/power-loom.html
picture:http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4082/4818268425_0bf35 -
The Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin. The cotton gin cleaned the seed from the cotton. The problem was that a lot of people did not want to pay for the usefulness of the gin, so he eventually went out of busness. He was denied a patent renewal by congress.
picture:http://www.invent.org/images/images_hof/search/inventors/Whitney_Eli.gif -
Robert Fulton
Robert Fulton contributed to the industrial revolution by first building submarines in both Britatin and France. He then built the first paddle wheel steamboat in 1807. His main contribution to the steamboat was the addition of the paddle wheel. It allowed for a little faster transportation but his first steamboat only traveled at 5mph. picture: http://0.tqn.com/d/inventors/1/0/v/I/steamship.jpg -
Factory Act of 1833
The Factory Act of 1833 allowed for better working conditions for children under 18. Children of Ages 14-18 could work no longer than 12 hour days with an hour of lunch while children 9-13 could work no more than an eight hour day with an hour of lunch break as well as 2 hours of education. It also stated that children under 9 could not work in the factory.
picture:https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmaa43aWWhElyAW4XGDuOCslCXK8hhzpGeytbTabjOFPLqjQas-NZgR40T -
The Invention of the Telograph
The electirc telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse. It transmitted signals across wires from one location to the next location. The signals were transmitted at different speeds across the wire which would then print those signals on paper on the other end of the wire. The form of code was called "Morse Code" after Samuel Morse. picture: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRaCcJpZ_y1IXWPOOk1iFi -
The Telophone is Invented
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telophone. The inventon of the telophone was in large part a sucess because of attempts to improve the telograph. Bell, while experimenting, with the telograph found that he heard his own voice through a wire. He spoke the first words ever on a telophone to his assisstant: "Mr. Watson -- come here -- I want to see you." picture: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A -
Thomas Edison Invents the Phonograph
Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. The phonograph was the step that came right before the telophone which allowed recorded messages to be played from a cylinder. He invented it while experimenting with a telograph in attempt to improve it. The Phonograph was the first machine in the world that would record sound. information: http://www.fi.edu/learn/sci-tech/edison-lightbulb/edison-lightbulb.php?cts=electricity -
The Lightbulb is Improved Upon
Thomas Edison helped improve the lightbulb. He made the lighbulb incandescent and electric lightbulb which had a globe around the bulb. He was able to get one lightbulb to burn for thirteen and half hours straight with his electiric system. He invented the first lighting system that was used in homes.
information:http://www.fi.edu/learn/sci-tech/edison-lightbulb/edison-lightbulb.php?cts=electricity -
The First Working Diesel Engine
Rudolf Diesel invented the first internal combustion engine in 1892. It was pwered up for the first time in 1893, and it ran on peanut oil. The first engine was a 25 horse power engine. The diesel engine grew to world wide success in cars, trains, and factories just to name a few.