Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Enclosures of farmland accelerated in Britain

    Enclosures of farmland accelerated in Britain
  • James Hargrave invents the spinning Jenny

    James Hargrave invents the spinning Jenny
  • Richard Arkwright invents the water frame

    Richard Arkwright invents the water frame
  • Samuel Crompton Invents The Spinning Mule

    Samuel Crompton Invents The Spinning Mule
  • James Watt Invents Steam Engine

    James Watt Invents Steam Engine
  • Henry Cort Invents Puddling

    Henry Cort Invents Puddling
  • Edmund Cartwright Invents the Power loom

  • First fleet arives at Botany Bay

  • First textile made in USA

  • George Stephensons Invents the Rocket

    George Stephensons Invents the Rocket
  • Gas street lighting Common britian

    Gas street lighting Common britian
  • Brussels Cruise Ship crossed the atlantic

    Brussels Cruise Ship crossed the atlantic
  • Samuel Morse sends first sucessful telegraph message

    Samuel Morse sends first sucessful telegraph message
  • First US battle ship lands in Japan

    First US battle ship lands in Japan
  • Bemmesser produces mass production of steel

  • Seuz Canals opens

  • Unifaction accelerates of Germany

  • Overland telegraph from Austalia to Asia

  • Alex Bell Invents the Telephone

    Alex Bell Invents the Telephone
  • Thomas edison invents the first reliable light bulb

    Thomas edison invents the first reliable light bulb
  • Eiffle Tower Finishes in France

    Eiffle Tower Finishes in France
  • Wright Brothers invented Modern Flight

    Wright Brothers invented Modern Flight
  • Railway in Russia Industrialisation

  • Henry Ford Mass-produces modern T Ford

    Henry Ford Mass-produces modern T Ford