Industrial revelution

  • James Watt

    James Watt
    He was a scottish inventor and engineer, He helped improve thomas newcomens steam engine. He made it work more effficently which greatly improved the industrail revelution.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Was a machine invented by Jame hargreaves, which a multiple spindle machine used to spin cotton and wool helped alot.
  • Robert owen

    Robert owen
    Was a welsh textile manufacturure, he was also a founder of the utopia socialism. He also came up with the perfect life balance 8 hours work 8 hours sleep and 8 hours recreation.
  • george stephenson

    george stephenson
    Was a british civil engineer and a mechanical engineer and was known as the "father of the railways". As he invented the steam locomotive which was commonly used till recently.
  • Socialism

    Was first brought around during the french revoution in 1789 and was the idea or connection between the enconomy and communism.this became important as capitalism increased during this time.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Was a newly invented machine, in the 1700s and was designed to separate cotton from seed. this machine sped up the process a ton but was also a dangerous to use.
  • Henry Bessemer

    Henry Bessemer
    english inventor, whose steal making process would be an important techniquie for making steal in the 19th century. created the bessemere converter.
  • alfred noble

    alfred noble
    was a swedish chemistist,engineer, and invenotor. During his time he established the noble peace prize, which is an important reward for scienctist.
  • communism

    was a theory that came around in the 1840s but wasnt used untill the early is the idea of having many different opinions on social welfare, which is good for a community.
  • social democracy

    social democracy
    Was a broad labor movement in the 1860s where people had say in the government and economical decions. This was good as it helped economical problems and people that didnt have jobs
  • utilitarianism

    Was an ethical theory that determinded what was right and what was wrong by looking at there outcomes. this is very useful to solve problems and is still used today.
  • Social gospel

    Social gospel
    Was a social reform movement from 1870s to the 1920s. this is the idea of appling christrain ethics to social problems to help sovle them. Helped the soceity some.
  • Airplane

    invented by the wright brothers, they did reseach for 4 years to finally develope a powered plane, this greatly improved transportation and is still used to this day.
  • Assembly line

    Assembly line
    Was invented by henry ford in 1913 to increase the production of the model t. This was one of the biggest changes in the industrail revolution and is still used.
  • corporations

    In the 1970s the first corporations were made, this was a key part in the us and still is today with larger corporations which are commmonly found.