Jethro Tull Invents the seed drill
Jethro Tull invented the Seed Drill which would be pulled behind a horse. The seed drill consisted of a wheeled vehicle which contained a box filled with grain. Before this seeds were planted by hand. -
John Kay invents flying shuttle
John Kay invented the flying shuttle, which was an improvement to looms and enabled weavers to weave faster. The original shuttle contained a bobbin on to which the weft yarn was wound. -
James Watt builds the first steam engine
The steam engine was invented by James Watt but the Matthew Boulton perfected it, and financed it and the created the Boulton Watt. The steam engine was later put on ships, rail, and other things. -
Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto
It was commosined by the Communist Leagueit and it laid out the League's purposes and program. It was published by Karl marx and Communist Friedrich Engels. -
Us Civil War ends; Us Experiences technological boom
When the Union won the Civil War, entrepaneurs began building succesful buisnesses. The textile industry was revolutionized by Francis Cabot Lowell and other investors who powered the textile industry through mills. There was a high demand for better products due to capitalism. -
Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe
Germany linked railroads to growing manufacturing citis. This made Germany's economy grow which made it a leader in Industrialization and military. -
British Unions win right to strike
In 1824, the Parliament repealed the Combination Act. This meant that British trade Unions had won the right to strike and picket peacefully.