Industrial Revolution
first successful steam engine is built -
Mexico declares its independence
Michael Faraday’s dynamo
Taiping Rebellion
Hong Xiuquan wanted to make a Heavenly Kingdom of great peace, his followers formed a movement that helped captured teritories in southeastern china -
Sepoy Mutiny in India
sepoys where Idian soliers who fought in the british army. the mutiny was cuased by a new type of gun and cartrige. over the cause and the end the british got rid of that gun -
Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”
The Meiji Restoration
The young emporer gave back the power to the citizens that had been under rule for years. the Citizens made him there leader after he did this, they had a great deal of respect for him. -
Franco-Prussian war
Spanish-American war begins
The U.S. battle ship exploded and the americans blamed it on the spainsh. the U.S. declaires war on the nation and altimitly salves nothing. -
Boxer Rebellion
Boxers were chineze men how did not like Misionarys, and would kill them. Finally the british came to there defence and masicured the boxers. -
Russo-japanese war
Lenins Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
the revolution was started to overthrow the czar at the time. a Priest and others listed demands they wanted. the czar retaliated in what is know known as Bloody Sunday -
Franz Ferdinand is Killed
he was killed by Gavrilo princip with a pistol. his wife was also killed in the attack. the Assination led to the first world war when austrea and hungry supeceted serbia. -
U.S. Joins WW1
Treaty of Versailles is signed
Mussolinis Fascist Party in Italy
Mussolini wante to rule europe and so he created this Fasciast party. -
Russia becomes the USSR
Stalins rule in the USSR Begins
Black Tuesday stock market crash
In one single day over 16 million shares and stock were sold which plunged us into the GREAT DEPREASION -
Hitler becomes chancellor of germany
Hitlar rose to power when germany was a pore and conflicted country. -
Germany attacks Poland-WW2 Begins
Japans attack on Pearl Harbor
U.S. declares war on Japan
the united states invaded france at nomandy and at omaha beach. It was named d-day after the many men how died on those beaches. -
Nuremberg trials are held
U.S. drops A-Bomb on Hiroshima
Korean war is fought
Aparteid in south Africa
Vietnam war is fought
North Korea was saported by the soviot union and china will south Korea was saported by the us and other anti-comunism countrys. the U.S. left vietnam when the Case-Church amendment was past. -
Mao Zedongs people Repulic of China
After a victory by the comunism party of china in the chineze civil war, Mao Zedong proclaimed the Peoples republic on top of a Tiananmen. -
Fidel castros communism in cuba
Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR
USSR Collapses & Russia is Back
Persian Gulf war Begins
the united states led a multinational force that attacked targets in bagdad. everything they did was filmed and put in Televetion. -
NAFTA is formed
WTO is formed