Jan 22, 1500
Indus River
Hindu Kirsh mountain, swept into the Indus valley around 1500 bc. Indian civilization would grown again under the influnced of these nomads -
Indus River
The quailty of building in the Indus Valley cities decline. -
Indus River
The fate of the cities remained a mystery until 1970 -
Indus River
Around 2000 b.c. some of these settlements grew into China first cities according to legends,the first chinese dynasty emerged from this time -
Indus River
While Egyptains were building pyramid people in the Indus Valley were buying the bricks for India's first cities -
Indus river
People were farming in villages along the Indus River. People were framing in villages along the Indus River. -
Indus River
Archaelogist have formed evidence in the highlands of agriculture and domestical sheeps and goats dating to almodt 7000 bc