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Indigenous Timeline

By Ajey
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    Sixteenth Century

    • European contact, new diseases were contacted
    • Christian Missionary School (French) created
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    Seventeenth Century

    • Fur trade: Hudson's Bay company created, sold beaver fur
    • Seven year war: British vs French
    • Royal Proclamation
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    Eighteenth Century

    • Destruction of Bison -1830: Reserve System created -1831: One Residential School created -1857: Gradual Civilization Act -1867: Confederation Day -1869: Gradual Enfranchisement Act -1876: The Indian Act formed -1881-85: Canadian Pacific Railway created -1883: Residential school system created -1884: Banned all Indigenous ceremonial items (from indigenous) -1892: Canadian govt. formal agreement with churches
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    Nineteenth Century

    -1907: Dr.Bryce medical inspector
    -1920: Residential school is mandatory
    -1951: Residential school for Inuit kids
    -1952: Canada selectively ratified agreement on UN genocide letter
    -1960: Indigenous got right to vote
    -60's scoop: 20,000 indigenous children taken away from parents and put in foster care
    -1964: Expand Residential schools for Inuit children
    -1969: "White paper" (abolish status Indians, indigenous rights)
    -1970: "Red paper" (Self government for indigenous, return land titles)