700 BCE
Indigo Dye
This good was traded -
700 BCE
Spread of Indian Religions
This increased trade -
500 BCE
Cinnamon and Cassia
These goods were traded -
399 BCE
Moral Philosopher and founder of western philosophy -
325 BCE
Trade Rout from Arabia to Rome
320 BCE
Polaris Navigation Invented
Invented by the Phoenicians -
300 BCE
Sri Lanka Harbor Manthai
Located in India -
300 BCE
Trade Route from Rome to Sri Lanka
268 BCE
Ashoka spread the religion Buddhism from India -
200 BCE
Invention of the Compass
Invented in China -
1 CE
Port of Muziris
Located in India -
Pearls Were Traded
Traded from mainly Persia to Rome -
Trade Route from Aksum to Greece
Qin Shi Huang
Qin Emperor unites eastern China -
Lost Caravan City of Ubar
Originated in 2800 BCE, it collapsed on itself in 300 CE