
Gandhi's journey for India's Independence

  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The sepoys, who were Indian Soldiers, found out that the cartridges of their rifles were greased with beef and pork fat. Most of them considered those animals saced, and to use the cartridges, they had to bite off the end. This issue, as well as other insensitive treatments from British to Indians became a crisis, and Sepoys rebelled in May 10, 1857. This was called the Sepoy Mutiny
  • British take over India

    British take over India
    After the Sepoy Mutiny, the British took complete control over India
  • Hindu Indian National Congress is formed

    Hindu Indian National Congress is formed
    The Hindu Indian National Congress was formed in 1885 to get rid of foreign rule (British)
  • First act of civil disobedience

    First act of civil disobedience
    On his way to South Africa, Gandhi didn't obey the rules regarding segregation on the train. The British authorities told him to move to third class, but he refused. That's why he was kicked out of the train.
  • Muslim League was created

    Muslim League was created
    Later in 1906, the Muslim League was created. Its purpose was first to focus on India's specific concerns, but it later focused on seekig self-government
  • Gandhi arrested for first time

    On January 10th of 1908, Gandhi was imprisoned because he refused to carry the identity card called the "pass". This card was mandatory for all Indians, it was like a passport.
  • Gandhi returns home from South Africa

    Gandhi returns home from South Africa
    After being in South Africa for about twenty years, Gandhi returned to India to continue with his nationalist movenment to gain independence and self-government for India
  • Indian troops return home from war

    Indian troops return home from war
    Before WW!, most Indians weren't interested in nationalism. But durng the war, over a million Indians fought for the British army. In return, they promised to make reforms that would lead India to self-government. When Indians returned home, they were expecting the British to keep their promise, but instead, were still treated as second-class citizens.
  • Rowaltt Acts

    Rowaltt Acts
    British passed Rowaltt Acts. These were laws that allowed government to put in jail protesters without trial, for as long as two years.
  • Armitsar Massacre

    Armitsar Massacre
    On April 13, 1919, the Indian people got together to pray and listen to people's speeches. They got together because they didn't like the Rowlatt Acts that were just passed by the British government.
    Getting together was considered as breaking the law, and the commander of the British army in Armitsar ordered his soldiers to shoot at the people without any warning. This was called the Armitsar Massacre
  • Congress Party endorses civil disobedience

    Congress Party endorses civil disobedience
    The Congress Party of Indian endorsed civil disobedience in 1920 against the British government. Civil disobedience was the public refusal to obey any unjust law and non violence as the way to be independent. They were not cooperating with the British government.
  • Gandhi released from jail after operation

    He was in a prison near Sabarmati Ashram, because he wrote to "Young India". He was supposed to be there for six years, but he was realeased two years after arrest due to an operation.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Gandhi and his followers walked about 240 miles around the coast to defy he Salt Acts passed by British government. It was another one of his peaceful protests to fight for independence
  • Gandhi begins hunger strike

    Gandhi begins hunger strike
    During his inprisonment in a cell near Bombay, Gandhi began a hunger strike due to the fact that the British government decided to separate India's system by religion.
  • Gandhi visits places in India

    Gandhi visits places in India
    From 1934 all the way to 1938, Gandhi focused on visiting the rural parts of India. This is something he needed because he was used to living as a rich person, so he had to see what the majority of people went through everyday
  • Government of India Act

    Government of India Act
    The British passed the Government of India Act. This provided self-government and limited elections, but not complete independence. This act was also in charge of monitoring tension between the Hindus and Muslims.
  • Indian Independence Act

    Indian Independence Act
    The British House of Commons passed an act that granted two countries. These nations would be independent one month from that date. The two nations were India and Pakistan. India was Hindu, and Pakistan was Muslim.
  • India became independent

    India became independent
    On August 15 of 1947, India became the largest democracy. This is the day when India became independent, one month after the Indpendence Act was passed.
  • Gandhi is killed

    Gandhi is killed
    On January 30th of 1948, an extremist Hindu killed Gandhi in New Delhi because he thought Gandhi was too protective. The extremist shot Gandhi and he died.