Indian Colonization

  • Rule!

    India is indirectly ruled by Britain.
  • Wanting Independence

    britain starts direct rule andIndians started to want independence.
  • Fighting

    Throughout the 1800s there was a lot of revolting of the Indians, but Britain beleved they still had the right to own India.
  • The Indian National Congress

    The Indian National congress was formed to protect the rights of Indians.
  • Exports

    Britain forced a lot of Indian made items to be exported to Britain and the Indians had to buy british made items.
  • Muslim League

    The Muslim League was formed to improve the lives of Muslim Indians.
  • The Rowlantt Act

    The Rowlantt Act was a new law that gave britain the power to send Indians to jail without trial.
  • OH NO

    British authorities opened fire on indians who were said to have gathered illegaly.
  • Gandhi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Monhandas Gandhi began to tell indians not to cooperate with the British.
  • Non Violent Protests

    Gandhi started a plan of Civil Disobedence where it said to peacefully boycott british products and to protest peacefully.
  • Split

    The Muslim League requests a seperate muslim state.
  • Little By Little

    The British government gave indians some self government but not a lot and the indians wanted more.
  • WWII Influence

    India still wanted more indepence so Britain offered India Domain status if it helped out in WWII.
  • Hindu Muslim Tentions

    Britain is weakened by WWII and there is rising tentions of Hindus and Muslims. Britain then creates 2 seperate states Pakistan and India.
  • Finally!

    Britain backes out and 2 new countries are formed India and Pakistan.