Massacre of Amritsar
This incident happened when British troops fired on a large crowd of unarmed Indians in Amritsar. They killed hundreds of people, and wounded even more. -
Chauri Chaura incident
A large group of British protesters had violent fight with the police, which ended up with the protesters setting fire to the police station, and killing everyone inside. -
Swaraj Party
The Swaraj Party was a political party that was formed in India. They fought for a strong self-government and wanted more political freedom for the Indians. The two most important leaders were Chittaranjan Das and Motilal Nehru. -
Kakori Revolution
The Kakori Revolution was a train robbery, that was organized by the Hindustan Republican Association. They wanted to get money and weapons to carry out activited for the British. -
Gandhi Goes to Jaffna
On this trip he planned to go throught Sri Lanka, and end up in Colombo. He traveled all across the island to deliever speaches, to pray, and spoke with people of many different religions. -
Gandhi Leads a Civil March
He started a civil disobedience march down to the sea to protest the tax the British put on their salt. This was his boldest march that he was known as the leader of. The act prohibited the Indians from collecting, or selling salt, which was a staple in their diet. -
Gandhi Goes on A Hunger Strike.
In 1932, after Gandhi spent 8 months in jail, as soon as he came out he started his famous hunger strike. He started the strike in protest of the British support of the Indian constitution that would now condone different political representations for the "untouchables." -
Government of India Act
This Act is known as the longest Act that the British enacted during their time in parliament. The most significant part of the Act was that they wanted reorganization of certain provinces. -
Indian Principal Elections
In February of 1937, the results of the election were declared. The Indian National Congress had the power over eight of the provinces. They did not have power over Bengal, Punjab, and Sindh. -
India Helps Britain in The War
Since Britain declared Germany and Britain decided to join the war against Hilter's Nazi state, the Indians were forced to join the war. They helped Britain fight in World War 2, and there was no choice.