Indians Rebel
As economic problems increased for the Indians, so did their feelings of resentment and nationalism. There was a rumor that the soldiers cartidges were greased with beef and pork. -
Britain in command
In 1858 the British took complete control over India -
Ghandi was born -
At the age of 13 Gandhi got married -
National groups
The growing nationalism led to the discovery of two nationalist groups, the Indian National Congress in 1885 and the Muslim League after -
Gandhi had a year cintract of working in an indian firm as a lawyer -
National groups pt. 2
In 1906 the Muslim League was found -
Non violence
When Gandhi came back to India he had this idea of nin violence and he followed it. -
In 1918 the Indian troops returned home from war. They wanted now to be treated better by the Brithis, but the British treated them like second-class once again -
New law
In 1919 the British government in India put a new law "Rowlatt Acts" these laws allowed the government to jail whoever they wanted without a trail for as long as 2 years -
Amristar Massacre
To protest the Rowlatt Acts like 10,000 Hindus and Muslims went to Armistar to fast and pray. But some soldiers went and killed many Hindus and Muslims. -
Civil disobedience
There was a protest for Indians refusing to obey an injust law, and nonviolence to achieve independence. This means they were getting tired of not fighting back. -
Gandhi was leading the Indian National Congress -
Gandhi went to jail for sedition and served 2 years instead of 6 -
Salt march
Ghandi walked 400 km or more to pick up salt. The salt was from India but British were selling them to the indians so obviously the indians got mad and refused to buy and they got their own. That made a bad thing for them because soldiers got mad and hit them. -
Almost independent
The British gave pairlament passed the government of India Act. It provided local self-government and limited democratic elections, but not total independence. -
Gandhis wife died and the worst part was that Gandhi was in jail and he was missing only 3 months of sentence to see his wife, but she died -
In this date the muslims became oart of oakistan and Hindus and Muslims were now separated. -
Horrible tradegy
A Hindu extremist thought of Ghandi too protective for Muslims and he shot him and killed him.