
India Independence Movement

  • Gandi in England

    Gandi in England
    At age 19, Gandhi went to England to study law.
  • Gandhi Returns to India

    Gandhi Returns to India
    After Gandhi returns to India from England, he joined an Indian law firm in South America.
    For 20 years, he fought against laws that discriminated Indians in South America
    He returned to India and joined the Congress party in 1914
  • Nonvioloence & Civil Disobedience

    Nonvioloence & Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi embraced Hindu traditions and preached about nonviolence. He applied nonviolence against British rule and read about civil disobedience, the refusal to obey unjust laws
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    General Reginald Dyer arrived with 50 soldiers, who opened fire on unarmed civilizens. 379 were killed and more than 1100 were wounded. This was a critical period because many Indians were convinced of the evils of British rule.
  • Boycotts of British Goods

    Boycotts of British Goods
    Gandhi encouraged Indians to wear cotton that was only gorwn and woven in India.
  • The Salt March

    The Salt March
    Gandhi decided to march 240 miles to the sea with 78 followers. The number was in the thousands by the time the marchers reached the sea.
    On April 6, Gandhi broke the law by touching sea salt and encouraged Indians to follow his lead.
    This event embarassed Britain.
  • Separate Mulism State

    Separate Mulism State
    Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a leader in the Mulism League. He represented Mulism interests within the Congress party at first. He later supported the idea of a separate state for Mulisms. This stae would be called Pakistan, "land of the ritually pure".
  • WWII

    India was moving toward when World War II broke out. Indian leaders were outraged by Britain with postponing India's independence and sending India into this war without consulting India.
    Nationalist launched campaign of noncooperation and were jailed by the British. However millons Of Indians did support Britain in WW II
  • After WWII

    After WWII
    When WWII ended, Independende could no longer be delayed. However a tragedy occur as Hundu-Mulism conflicts happened on the subcontinent
  • Two States

    Two States
    British officials drew borders to create Hindu India and Mulism Pakistan. Pakistan was made up of two separated areas that nad large Mulism populations.
  • Tragedy Unfolds

    Tragedy Unfolds
    Hindu and Sikh mobs massacred Mulisma escaping to Pakistan. Mulism killed Hindu and Sikh neighbors and approximately moe than a million fled their homes. At least a million, mostly Mulisms, died.
  • Gandhi is Killed

    Gandhi is  Killed
    He was shot and killed by a Hindu extremist. But Gandhi's death helped end the worst violence and still Hindu-Mulism tensions persisted