India Independance

  • The Birth of a Peacemaker

    The Birth of a Peacemaker
    Gandhi was born.
  • Period: to


  • At the Age of 19

    At the Age of 19
    Gandhi went to England to study law. After returning to India, he tried setting up his own law practice but joined an Indian Law firm in South Africa. He there fought racial predjuice. Indians that have settled there were mostly poor and recieved harsh treatment under South Africa's white ruler.
  • Where it All Began

    Where it All Began
    Gandhi fought laws that discriminated against Indians in South Africa. He adopted the weapon of nonviolence (passive) resistence. He called it satyagrapha or "Soul Face."
  • Ideas Becoming Noticed

    Ideas Becoming Noticed
    Gandhi returned to India to jin the Congress Party after fighting laws in South Africa. His ideas inspired Indains of all religions and ethnic backrounds and encouraged them to resist British rule.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    British and Gurkha troops were sent in by General Reginald Dyer. These unarmed demonstrtors were meeting at the Jallianwala Bagh. The massacre included 379 deaths while 1,100 other civilians were injured. Most of those killed were Indian nationalists meeting to protest the British government's forced conscription of Indian soldiers and the heavy war tax imposed against the Indian people. This was a turning point for many Indians.
  • Gandhi Emerging

    Gandhi Emerging
    Mohandas Gandhi emerged. He united all Indians behind the drive for independence. He was called the "Great Soul."
  • Nationalist Movement Symbol

    Nationalist Movement Symbol
    Gandhi lost a series of nonviolent actions against British rule. He called for boycotts of British goods (textiles), urged Indians to wear only cotton grown and weaved in India, and worked to restore pride in traditional spinning and weaving industries. Women joined the movement. He made the spinning wheel a symbol of the nationalist movement,
  • The Cause of the Salt March

    The Cause of the Salt March
    Gandhi offered a challenge to Britain. This challenge was to end the British salt monopoly. Gandhi wrote to the British explaining his motives and gaols. He also stated his intension to break the law and said the British rule was a "curse." Gandhi called for Civil Disobedience.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    The Salt Satyagraha was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial India. It started wth 78 followers but later increased tremendously. It ended on April 6, 1930.
  • "Hail, Law Breaker!"

    "Hail, Law Breaker!"
    Gandhi was arrested but coastal villagers started collecting salt. The congress party leader sold salt on city streets and displayed it to huge rallies but was then sentenced to jail. Gandhi's campaign gained force and many follwers were dragged to prison as well.
  • Britain did what!?

    Britain did what!?
    Britain outraged Indian leaders by postponing further action on independence. They also brought India into war without consulting them. Angry nationalists launched a campaign of noncooperations and were jailed by the British.
  • Hindu-Muslim Problems Rising

    Hindu-Muslim Problems Rising
    The war had ended and independence could not be delayed. A new tragedy unfolded as Hidu-Muslim violence raged on the Indian Sub-Continent.
  • After WWII

    After WWII
    After WWII, Britain finally agreed to these demands of Independence that were long sought for.
  • Two States

    Two States
    India and Pakistan, or better knows as the Hindus and the Muslims fought over establishing two seperate states.
  • Tragedy unfolds

    Tragedy unfolds
    Hindus and Muslims lived side by side and they constantly argued when people would cross between the two. Small fights always broke out.
  • I-N-D-E-P-E-N-C-E do you know what that is!?

    I-N-D-E-P-E-N-C-E do you know what that is!?
    Complete independence was achieved!
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    As leader of the Muslim league, he insisted that Muslims have their own state, Pakistan. Riots between Hindus and Muslims broke out around this time.
  • A Tragic Death of a Hero

    A Tragic Death of a Hero
    Gandhi was assasinated at point blank range by Nathuram Godse.