
By Corey89
  • India 1857

    India 1857
    Rebellion of East India Company began as mutiny of Sepoys
  • British Raj Takes Control

    British Raj Takes Control
    British government assumed the task of directly administering India in the new British Raj.
  • Congress Adopts Gandhi's Policy

    Congress Adopts Gandhi's Policy
    led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women's rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability, but above all for achieving Swaraj or self-rule.
  • 1946 Before Partition

    1946 Before Partition
    The Calcutta Riots of 1946, also known as the “Great Calcutta Killing,” were four days of massive Hindu-Muslim riots in the capital of Bengal, India, resulting in 5,000 to 10,000 dead, and some 15,000 wounded.
  • Partition

    led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (it later split into Pakistan and Bangladesh)
  • After Partition

    After Partition
    In the aftermath of partition, a huge population exchange occurred...14.5 million people crossed the borders...7,226,000 Muslims who came to Pakistan from India...7,295,000 Hindus and Sikhs moved to India.