The Independence of Guatemala

  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    Later it served for the independence movements, that together with the typified ideas of the modernity, encyclopedism, illustration and naturalism, and those of the representative government
  • Napoleon invades Spain

    Napoleon invades Spain
    The Napoleonic invasion of Spain unleashed the American wars of independence, and the defeat of Bonaparte at Waterloo in 1815 consolidated the restoration of Ferdinand VII and, therefore, influenced the development of the conflict between the metropolis and the insurrectionary colonies.
  • The Creoles

    The Creoles
    The Creoles along with the Spaniards united, to reunite the political power to the economic one in the name of the Sovereign Town and without stopping to appear like liberators against the oppression and until the abuses of "the Spaniards".
  • The marketing

    The marketing
    The Creoles wanted to commercialize with other places besides Spain and for that reason they asked for the independence of the Spanish crown both political and economic, taking advantage of the political chaos that was being lived in Spain and also wanted the equality
  • Belén conspiracy

    Belén conspiracy
    It was a conspiracy of great scope in its projections and although some historians have doubted that among the conspirators there had been the pretension to take possession of the weapons for the independence purposes made under oath, the concepts that appear in the trial.
  • Uprising of San Salvador

    Uprising of San Salvador
    It is also known as the Second Scream of Independence, it was the second of the uprisings in the city of San Salvador with the aim of achieving autonomy with respect to the authorities of the Spanish crown
  • Debate and Act of Independence

    Debate and Act of Independence
    Guatemala gained its independence from Spain without suffering from the wars that had experienced much of Latin America, the desires of independence of the Spanish government that in writing and by word has manifested the people of this capital received by mail various offices of the constitutional town halls
  • Annexation to Mexico

    Annexation to Mexico
    The annexation was a mistake because the Mexicans only insisted on taking care of the interests of the empire; Besides. The balance of the annexation resulted in bankruptcy in the country's already poor finances, and zero tax revenues. For adjustment of sentences, the Mexicans stayed with the territory of Chiapas, and although the Chiapanecans expressed their desire to continue belonging to this jurisdiction, the Mexican government drowned their aspiration by force of bayonets.
  • Absolute Independence

    Absolute Independence
    It was proclaimed on July 1, 1823 by the National Constituent Assembly meeting in Guatemala City. The document founded the United Provinces of Central America