Treaty of Fontainebleau
Spain's prime minister Manuel de Godoy signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau with France.
The accord proposed the division of the Kingdom of Portugal and all Portuguese dominions. -
King Carlos IV abdicate in favour of his son Fernando VII
The citizens of Madrid rebelled against the French occupation
Killing 150 French soldiers before the uprising was put down by Joachim Murat's elite Imperial Guard and Mamluk cavalry -
May 3, shootings
The French army shot hundreds of Madrid's citizens in retaliation. -
Battle of bruc
Birth guerrillas in Spain.
The Spanish army was unable to stop the French army, guerrilla ambush soldiers in the mountains -
Jose Bonaparte is crowned with the name of Jose I
Jose Bonaparte is Napoleon´s brother, he was king of Napoles (1806-1808) -
British intervention
Wellintong Duke gets his first win in Talavera de la Reina. -
Battle of Sagunto
The French army defeated the Spanish army led by Joaquim Blake in the battle of Sagunto -
Constitution of 1812 "La Pepa"
The Constitution of 1812 was established on 19 March 1812 by the Cádiz Cortes , Spain 's first national sovereign assembly , the General Courts. -
Battle of Salamanca
The Battle of Salamanca saw an Anglo-Portuguese army under the Duke of Wellington defeat Marshal Auguste Marmont 's French forces among the hills around Arapiles , south of Salamanca -
Jose I was expelled from Spain
Return of Fernando VII
Fernando VII is known as "El Deseado", because it was believed that the peace comes.
He reestablished the absolutist monarchy and rejected the liberal constitution of 1812