Independence of Spanish America

By Marking
  • Mexican rebellion. Formation of Juntas

    Mexican rebellion. Formation of Juntas
    American territories established autonomous juntas that claimed king Fernando VII. After Fernando VII returned to the throne in 1814, Spanish rule was restored in most of Spanish America.
  • Tucumán congress. Argentina independence

    Tucumán congress. Argentina independence
    Declared by José de San Martín
  • Battle of Chacabuco.

    Battle of Chacabuco.
    San Martín's victories.
  • Maipú battle. Chile independence

    Maipú battle. Chile independence
    Led by Maipú's and Chacabuco's battle.
  • Colombian independence. Boyacas's battle

    Colombian independence. Boyacas's battle
    Victory by South American insurgents over Spanish forces.
  • Carabobo's battle. Mexican independence

    Carabobo's battle. Mexican independence
  • Guayaquil Conference.

    Guayaquil Conference.
  • Ayacucho's battle. Peru's independence.

    Ayacucho's battle. Peru's independence.
  • Bolivian independence.

    Bolivian independence.