Haiti and Santo Domingo
François Dominique fight for neccesary with group of slaves
until he was beheaded, and the succesor was the Jean Jacques who win a France and proclameted independence. Haitian troops subdued the eastern part of Hispaniola Island,
that it would regain its independence from Haiti in 1844. -
Revolutions of independence in Latin America
Is the rebellion of habitants for place against spanish people, the process continue until the war, and different causes as ideological, economic and social. -
Causes of Independence in Latinoamerica
Are there many causes and among them
- Economic: The Borbonics laws affected the economy and pay more taxes
- Social: Inequality and redress between Creoles and Spaniards.
- Ideological: Realized the inequality between propierties and formated the Spanish separated. -
The lack of kings, occacion of American boards
As the spanish autorities left the control of different lands Quito achievement the independence in the Aufust 10 of 1809, and other countries continued for example
- Caracas (19/04)
- Buenos Aires (25/05)
- Bogota(20/07)
- Santiago de Chile (18/08)
And Mexico with the priest Miguel Hidalgo they yelled the scream of Dolores.(16/08) -
Independence of Ecuador
First with the first call of independence in Quito on 1809 further the massacre because is the revenge the soldiers for citizens and time laste Guayaquil was independent in October 9, 1820 and time laste win the battle of Pichincha. -
From the boards to the war of independences
Here they repressed thoroughly to avoid contajios and those who make the Siverana junta would be repressed, with the passage of time something terrible happened since 300 patrioras died and the people with great sadness in August 8 of 1810 -
Mexican Independence
The priest Hidalgo is the most importan in the independence of Mexican because is the main one in the scream of Doloresbut, time after killed him, and come the succesor Jose Maria Morelos, he set up the second stage of the revolution but they was shot, and Antonio Santa Ana was proclamated president in 1833 and Spain accept independent Mexico. -
Independence of South America
When Fernando VII went back nombrated the Simon Bolivar military his liberated some places as Merida and Caracas -
Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay
Started with Argentina with one meening for three attacks for the Spanish forces, and te revolution set the Paraguay free,The Battle Stones Assumption Revolution set Montevideo, after San Marti united the provinces od South America and time later Uruguay get into the war against Brazil and proclameted the independence (1825) and the war of federalist and centralist and Argentina independence in june 9, 1816 -
Independence of Chile
San Marti continued for your plans but, his Chile and this developed upgraded weapons even though defeat in other territory win the most important of the Maipu and there proclamed the independence on May 4 on 1818. -
Central America
Started with Guatemala formated the independence with your cities (Chiapas, Soconusco, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Los Altos, and Costa Rica) and this called: province of central America . -
New Granada and Venezuela
In this year Simon Bolivar defeated and send a Morillo for the Calabazo and time later New Granada win the independence for thr Andes and time later Venezuela win the fight of Calabazo and Venezuela independence on June 25, 1821 -
Independence of Peru
San Marti it was Peru with good weapons and time later proclamated the independences on July 28, 1821 and time later win the battle of Ayacucho. -
Simon Bolivar and San Marti
They organizated meetings for see that lack for liberty America and San Marti give the iniciative of war, but San Marti quit of command of Peru because your married dead. -
Brazil: Monarchial Independence
When Napoleon invaded Portugal The king Ferdinand VI went for Brazil that was like a shelter, moments later Ferdinand abandonated Brazil and let a your son with king (Pedro de Braganza) moments later his gets tired of being king, and the king was Pedro II, and his win the independence against Portugal in September 7 , 1822. -
End of the war of independence
In this case Sucre and Simon Bolivar united for fight against for the Spanish Batle that win Sucre y Bolivar and the end of control of Spaniards of South America in September 12 of 1824 -
The case of Puerto Rico
In Septembre 23 of 1868 Puerto Rico achieve the cry of Lares and proclameted independent, but continued in the Spanish system until the war of EEUU and Spain, this win EEUU in conlcusion Puerto Rico is free but, not politically independent and his administrated for EEUU. -
Independence of Cuba
Jose Marti is fundamental for this process is the liberator of Cuba and this dead in 1895 and the EEUU don´t want to the opportunity of give the more big island and fight with Spain for this land and EEUU win and Cuba independence in 1899 nonetheless