Dec 15, 1533
Sebastion de benalcazar discovers Quito
Sebastian de Benalcazar discovered Quito and Nicaragua, etc. it was said that Sebastian come with the last trips of Cristobal Colon and meet with Francisco Pizarro, and in the books of the spanish Pizarro write that Sebastian help him to conquist Peru. So in 1533 Sebastian come to Ecuador and saw the empire of the general Rumiñahui, and see the resistance of the Incas but they kill them all. And so on Sebastian de benalcazar decided to put the name of Quito. -
Sep 22, 1563
Real Audencia de Quito 163
In 1563 Ecuadors name was The Real Udencia de Quito, it was huge land, from the pacific to the atlantic ocean. -
Threathy of Madrid
The threaty of Madrid was made in 1750 when Brazil signed the threathy and Brazil send militariesto take all the land of Ecuador, so we loose al this lands. -
Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas in the 24 of julie of 1783, and was warrior that help to independence Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia. So he know that he need to help the rebels so we could be independent. -
The Plan for the First shout of the Independence
In the nigth of August 9 a group people come to the house of Manuela Cañizares, the intellectuals of this group of rebels were: doctors, marquis,creoles. This were the rebels, the spanish didnt know about this plan. -
Spanish take the heroes to jail
The Spanish that were in Guyaquil and in Popayan were waiting to attack all the heroes and putting them in jail, So they could take aqain Quito. -
Battle of Pichincha
On the 24 of may of julie of 1822 Simon Bolivar our " libertador" make a group of warriors that were rebels, they send a letter to the Spanish, theses letter contains the war declaration, so the Spanish come here to attack us, so on Simon Bolivar said that the battle would be in the skirts of the volcano Pichincha, so all the rebels start climbing the mountain, some die because they fall down, when rebels saw the spanish they come to to attack them, we have some special trick that was the heigt. -
Ecuador Fundation an Independent
Ecuador was fundated and Idependent -
Ecuador Finally Independent
Finally Ecuador was Independent from the Spanish.