Inclusion timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    This gave parents the right to step in, if they felt their children were not being given the adequate educational services. While this served mainly with segregation, this was especially good for children with disabilities.
  • Beginning Inclusion

    Students with mild disabilities were being introduced into the regular classrooms which began inclusion.
  • Compulsory attendance

    Students were excluded based on their appearances and disability. This was a practiced phenomenon until the 1970s.
  • Inclusion movement

    This is when Inclusion became valued and enforced.
  • IDEA

    While inclusion still had some disagreement, IDEA services were being spread from infants to children up to age 3.
  • NCLB

    This was when the State stepped in. Mildly disabled students were being targeted for standardized test, research, and etc.
  • Individuals with disabilities education improvement act

    This was a step toward incorporating everyone with disabilities. They were attending college, being employed, and being included in classrooms with students who were not disabled.