Connecticut Asylym for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons opens in Hartford, CT
1st American residential school for students who were deaf -
Perkins Institution for the Blind by Samuel Gridley Howe
First residential school for students who were blind -
Braille code is first published.
Howe establishes experimental school for feebleminded youth.
American Prinitng House for the Blind is established.
National Deaf Mute College
established, later to be renamed Gallaudet University -
Formal training for teachers of blind persons begins at Columbia University
Alexander Graham Bell introduces the term "special education."
College-level training for teachers of students with intellectual disabilities.
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon publish their intelligence test.
The basis for modern IQ testing. -
segregated classes in the public schools are established as viable alternatives to instructing children with disabilities.
The term emotional disturbancecomes into use.
The term mentally retarded comes into use.
The term gifted appears in the professional literature.
Council for Exceptional Children founded by Ferrell and other teachers.
Leo Kanner identifies the characteristics of children with autism.
Dr. Hans Asperger identified children with characteristics that later would come to be called Asperger syndrome.
Willowbrook State School in New York opened as a facility for children with inellectual disabilities.
Closed in 1987 because of medical scandals and horrible conditions. -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Allowed for parents of students with disabilities to contend their students were not receiving adequate education -
Samuel A. Kirk introduces the term learning disabilities.
B.Blatt and F. Kaplan publish Christmas in Purgatory
The book led to changes in law and policy with widespread publicity. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act, PL 94-142
The original Act and its amendments ensure that all children and youths with disabilities have a right to free, appropriate, public education -
Under the Reauthorization of IDEA services were extended to infants, toddlers, and preschool children aged 3.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The original Act and its amendments ensure that all children and youths with disabilities have a right to free, appropriate, public education. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Ensures the right to nondiscriminatory treatment in other aspects of life; a civil rights law. -
IDEA is amended.
Added provisions related to transition services, participation by general education teachers, and discipline. -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
“Standards-based” reform, – all students test scores count (accountability) -
Reauthorization of IDEA 2004
Raises standards for quality instruction for students with disabilities , elaborates on parent involvement and discipline, and defines highly qualified for special education teachers -
President Obama signs Rosa's Law
The law changes federal language from mental retardation to intellectual disability.