
By Tippy
  • Consumer

    Consumer incentive getting a low price on a idem or a price sale. ex. buying shoes on sale for $80 instead of paying $180
  • Producer

    At Auntie Annes everytime we sale a pretzel we make a producer profit which is a incentive for our company.
  • Worker

    At most jobs workers get or have work benefits like healthcare and pays for your vaction and get a promotion. Some jobs Give you over time and they is a benefit to earn extra money.
  • Interest

    Having interest on money is a small profit you make over time. Example having a bank account comes with a interest rate the bank pays you for letting them borrow your money and returning it to your account. Interest can have a proportion of percents that they can offer you for using your money.
  • Vote

    Voting is how people express there concerns on our nation to a person that shares our pollitical views on the government and how it is run. Voting can change a lot on our community, jobs, wages, and even our daily lives. Incentive voting mean your trying to influence someone on your views of the world with there views
  • Investment

    Investing your money is like your money doing the work for you while you sit back and watch your money grows over top of the money you have put in. example investing into a small business might be a failure if they company doesnt grow over time and that might be a bad investment. Investing into a big business you have a better chance growing your money but it will take a lot of time because there are already other investments that come before you.