Baby surprise

In my Mommy's Uterus By Eulises Mendoza and Tristian Hughes

  • Last Menstural Period

    Last Menstural Period
    Of the 28 days of the Menstural Cycle the first 8 days are the bleeding cycle, and the 8 days after that are the fertility phase which is when a women is able to get pregnant. The menstural cycle is the process of a women realeasing the lining of the uterus.
  • Period: to

    Baby's timeline throughout pregnancy

  • Ovulation

    Ovulation is the period of time when the egg is realeased from the ovary into the fallopien tube.
  • Fertilization

    Fertilization occurs when the sperm meets up with an egg and combines with the egg and becomes a zygote. After finally getting through the entire fight to get to the egg the race isnt' finished yet. the sperms rush to be the first one to get into the egg and merge itself in with it.
  • Implantation

    During this period the zygote continues down the fallopien tube and enters into the uterus and implants itself into the uterues lining where it will stay during the next 9 months until birth.
  • Weeks 1-6 development

    Weeks 1-6 development
    the brain and spinal cord are developing over three and four weeks after the last menstrual cycle. The five weeks after the last menstural cycle is when the zygote is developing the brain, neural tube, it is also developing three layers( ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm.) by week 6 the neural tube is closed.By this time the baby is the size of the tip of a pen.
  • Weeks 7-12

    Weeks 7-12
    Weeks 7-12 are when the baby's head develops and the eyes are beginning to be visible, baby's toes form, neck develops, genitals develop, and fingernails develop. Baby's will also develop a sense of smell in the weeks of 11-15. By the end of this week the baby is as big as a 2 1/2 inches and weighs 1/2 ounce.
  • Weeks 13-19 Development

    Weeks 13-19 Development
    During these weeks your baby begins begins to develop urine so you may feel the urge to pee more, Baby's will develop a sense of taste in the womb between the 13-15 weeks. baby's skeleton develops bones and starts to make sucking sounds, fat accumulates, and baby begins . the baby measures 5 1/2 inches and weighs 7 ounces
    to hear, and the uterus and or vagina develops.
  • Week 14

    Week 14
    Week 14 is about the time when you can tell what you will be having a girl or boy. The sex of an egg cell is set as soon as it is fertilized. But the cell will soon divide and make a baby boy or girl. although the genital area will look almost identical early on in development they will soon become ovaries or testes.
  • Weeks 20-27 development

    Weeks 20-27 development
    Week 20 is the halfway mark in your pregnancy. you might be able to feel the baby's first movements during this week. During the weeks of 21-27 the baby can swallow, the baby's hair becomes visible, fingerprints and footprints form, real hair grows, baby responds to voice, baby's fingernails develop and then the 2nd trimester ends. by now your baby should measures 9 inches and weighs 2 pounds.
  • Weeks 28-33 development

    Weeks 28-33 development
    Your baby is almost fully developed at the begining of the third trimester. By this time your baby's eyes are opening, baby's bones are fully developed and by week 30 the baby's eyes are wide open. Sexual development continues, baby practices breathing, and can detect light. By the 32nd weeks the baby has a sense of touch. Your baby measures about 11 in. and weighs 3 3/4 pounds.
  • Weeks 34-40 development

    Weeks 34-40 development
    During this final stretch of the pregnancy the fingernails start to grow more, and the protective coating thickens, and rapid weight gains. by now your baby is full term which means the baby will start to move into the down position. the baby develops a firm grasp, and the placenta provides antibodies that will help the baby's immune system when the baby enters a new world, and now your baby's due date has arrived. Most babies will measure 18 to 20 inches and weighs about 6 1/2.
  • Labor

    the three stages of labor usually start when right before your due date. the first stage is usually painless minor contractions but the longest stage, it is aslo when your water will break. the second stage are contractions where the uterus will open up more and the doctor will give you the go ahead and start pushing. the third is when you deliver the placenta and now have a new born baby.
  • Baby is Born!!!!!!

    Baby is Born!!!!!!
    After the long journey of 9 months, you have been congratulated with a newborn baby boy. although it was hard you got through it still standing on your feet (barely, ), your baby is covered in lanugo and has been given the apgar test!
    and now all you have to worry about are stinky diapers!