A special kind of class

Important Special Education Dates

By Msice76
  • Education for all

    Education for all
    Congress passed the IDEA in 1975 after the Supreme Court ruled that all special needs children were entitled to a "free and appropriate" education in the public schools. This act assured all students an appropriate education regardless of their disability. This act made it unlawful to to deny any student a quality education because of their disability.
  • Period: to

    Important Dates For Special Education

  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    First civil right law addressing the needs of people with special needs passed by George H.W. Bush. This act gave Americans with disabilities equal right and accommodations to be more independent. The act made it unlawful to deny a person a job because of their disability. This act not only assured people with disabilities fair education but fair treatment in what workplace. https://www.olmsteadrights.org/about-olmstead/item.6460-The_Americans_with_Disabilities_Act_of_1990_ADA
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act was an passed by President George W. Bush with the help of Republicans in congress. Democrats were concerned that this would be a way to micro-manage public schools. The courts decided to leave the decision of how to help the students to the states and districts which is beneficial because every student is different and needs to be taught differently. http://time.com/4129109/no-child-left-behind-republicans/