Public Law 88-164 (1983)
JFK authoriated this law. It was influenced by his developmentally disabled sister. This allows for funding to train those who work with children with developmental disabilities. -
Public Law 93-112
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
-provides equal access to services and programs to those with disabilities
-cannot be denied based of disability alone -
Public Law 94-142
Education for all handicapped children act. Fed. Government's way of assuring that all handicapped children have a free public education that meets their unique needs. -
Public Law 99-457
Education for All handicapped Children Act changed to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) -
Public Law 101-336
Antidiscrimination Law that extends civils rights to those with disabilities. -
Public Law 107-110
No Child Left Behind -
IDEA 2004
(unable to locate exact date of Bush's signing)
Reauthorization of basic legislation
- IEP standards changed
-transition services added to IEP for those 16 and younger