British Monarchs Tudors-->

  • Period: Jan 1, 1485 to Jan 1, 1509

    Henry VII

    House: Tudor
    Rise to Power: Defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field
    Importance: Credited with restoration of political stability in England after the War of the Roses. Known for extreme frugality and administrative ability. Created the Star Chamber, establishing the King's power
    Ideology: Conservative
  • Period: Apr 23, 1509 to Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII

    House: Tudor
    Rise to Power: Succeeded father, Henry VII
    Importance: Desperate for a male heir. Startled by Luther --> "Defense of the Seven Sacraments" Started the English reformation b/c Pope wouldn't annul his marriage --> Act of Supremacy 1934 and the Anglican Church,. Confiscated Church lands to appease nobles.
    Ideology: Conservative
  • Period: Jan 28, 1547 to Jul 6, 1553

    Edward VI

    House: Tudor
    Rise to Power: Succeded Henry VIII
    Importance: Protestantized the Church (Thomas Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer). His reign was marked economic problems and social unrest.
  • Period: Jul 19, 1553 to Nov 17, 1558

    Mary I

    House: Tudor
    Rise to Power: Succeeded Edward VI, daughter of Henry VIII
    Importance: "Bloody Mary" for her rampant opposition to Protestantism. Restored Roman Catholocism. Wife of Phillip II of Spain
    Ideology: Conservative
  • Period: Nov 17, 1558 to

    Elizabeth I

    House: Last Tudor
    Rise to Power: Succeeded Bloody Mary, daughter of Henry VIII
    Importance: Reestablished the Church of England, but religiously tolerant. Maintained the heirarchy of medieval church, but adopts Protestantism; Thirty Nine Articles: Clergy can marry, Church in English, no monasteries; Endorsed outward conformity to the Church.
    Ideology: Moderate
  • Period: to

    James I (King of Scotlant; James IV)

    House: Stuart
    Rise to Power: Union of the Scottish'/ English crowns
    Importance: Advocate of the single parliament for England and Scotland. Unpopular because he was foreign. TRUE believer of sovereign rights of the King. Always needed money and got into trouble with Parliament. Made peace with the Spanish.
    Ideology: Absolutist
  • Period: to

    Charles I

    House: Stuart
    Rise to Power: Second son of James I
    Importance: More absolutist than James. Forced conformity to the Anglican Church. Suspected of returning to Catholicism (Catholic marriage, Catholic brother). Forced to sign a Petition of Right 1628: Crown annot raise taxes w/o Parl consent, arrest w;/o charges, and cannot raise martial law. Fought Parliament over money like father (ship money, dissolving parliament) --> led to the English Civil War and the Puritan Republic
    Ideology: ABSOLUTI
  • Period: to


    House: Roundhead
    Rise to Power: English Civil War, Executon of Charles I and Pride's Purge
    Importance: Military dictatorship. Pushed for strict Calvinism. Imposed Presbyterianism on Ireland and crushed the Catholic Scots. Dismissed Parliament and raised taxes. Stained the word "Republic" - violence, chaos, repression.
    Ideology: Republican
  • Period: to

    Charles II

    House: Stuart
    Rise to Power: Cromwell's son deposed. The Restoration
    Importance: Pro-French (Catholic plot?), "Declaration of indulgence": did not enforce laws against dissenters. Catholic brother.
    Ideology: Conservative
  • Period: to

    James II

    House: Stuart
    Rise to Power: Succeeded Charles II
    Importance: Appoimted Catholics to government positions, violation of the Test Act. Allowed Religious toleration. 1688: his son baptized Catholic - !!! CATHOLIC PLOT --> Last Stuart
    Ideology: Conservative
  • Period: to

    William III of Orange and Mary

    House: Orange
    Rise to Power: Glorious Revolution, anger at Catholic Stuarts, Mary daughter of James II
    Importance: They were Protestant and hated France = Perfect monarchs. Curbed the powers of the Crown with acceptance Bill of Rights (1689). Curbed Catholic threat with Toleration of Act (1689). Failed to produce eligible heirs --> Act of Settlement (1701): No Catholic king.
    Ideology: Moderate