Important Historical Events in South Africa

By richcjs
  • The 1948 Election

    The 1948 Election
    The apartheid beats the United Party and wins the election.
  • Group areas act passed

    Group areas act passed
    The group areas act was passed to segregate blacks and whites.
  • The Start of the Defiance Campaign

    The Start of the Defiance Campaign
    The volenteers started a resistance to apartheid by breaking up some of the laws that they thought were wrong.
  • The Bantu Education Act is passed

    The Bantu Education Act is passed
    A law was passed so that there was two different education systems for blacks and whites.
  • The Sharpeville Massacre

    The Sharpeville Massacre
    After a day of demonstrations against the pass laws. About 5,000 to 7,000 black african protesters went to the poilce station.
  • The Travel

    The Travel
    Mandela fought for the rights of his people. And traveled illegally outside of South Africa.
  • Gains Independance

    Gains Independance
    Prime Minister Ian Smith said that Rhodesia left Great Britain and said that Whites will now control the government.
  • South Africa Expelled

    South Africa Expelled
    Becasue of the apartheid South Africa was expelled from the United Nations.
  • 600 Students are Killed

    600 Students are Killed
    When high school students at Soweto Massacre started a protest about a improvment to the blacks education system.
  • The Kidnapping

    The Kidnapping
    The Rev. Lawrence Martin Jenco was kidnapped and then 19 months later was released.
  • ANC unbanned

    ANC unbanned
    Mandela released after 27 years in prison
  • Elected President

    Elected President
    Mandela was elected president by the nation assembaly.
  • Thabl Mbeki

    Thabl Mbeki
    ANC wins general elections Thabo Mbeki becomes president.
  • UN Race

    UN Race
    Durban had a UN race confrence.
  • The Bombing

    The Bombing
    There was a bomb explosions in Soweto it was thought to come from
    right-wing extremists.
  • Mbeki sacks his deputy

    Mbeki sacks his deputy
    President Mbeki sacks his deputy.
  • Public Prosecutors

    Public Prosecutors
    The Public prosectuors drop all the cases on Jacob Zuma.