The American school for the Deaf
-The first American school for the deaf was founded in April 1917. The American School for the Deaf was founded by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. This school is located in Hartford, Connecticut. This was the first school to receive an annual grant from the government. The ASD school was also the first free public school for deaf students created. This was the first residential (boarding) school in the united states for deaf children. -
Louis Braille publishes the Braille code
Link text
Braille is a system for the Blind to read created by Louis Braille in 1834. This system comprises of 12 dots that represent sounds known as night writing. This system was revolutionary for the blind community, it led to books, public signs and an inclusive way for life for the blind. Braille code contains cells that have 6 raised dots in 2 parallel rows, each containing 3 dots. There are more than 64 combinations that can be created with these dots. -
Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of hearing
Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of hearing is created. The first public school class for children with hearing impairments opens in Boston. This school is still in operation today and offers Dual Language programs as well as academic programs such as robotics and engineering. https://www.bostonpublicschools.org/horacemann -
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The first professional association for children with intellectual disabilities was created by Edouard Seguin. The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities was founded in 1876. This association focuses on increasing social awareness and researching intellectual disabilities. -
The Council for Exceptional Children
The council for exceptional children begins a program for children with disabilities. This program was founded by Elizabeth Farrell in New York city. Elizabeth had traveled to Great Britain to gather insight on special education there. Her key objective was finding out how to detect students with disabilities such as intellectual and learning disabilities. -
Vineland Training school
In New Jersey, the Vineland Training school for teachers of students with intellectual disabilities was founded in 1904. This was known as the first official training program for teachers to get education and training on teaching students with intellectual disabilities. This school paved the way for many more teacher training programs for special education. -
Testing hearing of school aged children
The first compulsory law was enacted in New York for testing the hearing of school-aged children. This law was crucial in the early detection of hearing problems in children. This law made it possible to detect hearing problems in children that could have otherwise fallen through the cracks due to their socioeconomic status. -
Association for Children with learning disabilities
The Association for Children with learning disabilities is founded. This organization was created by adults with learning disabilities and concerned parents of children with learning disabilities. This group has and continues to work tirelessly to advocate and for education reforms for children with learning disabilities.
https://ldaamerica.org/about-us/history/ -
PL 93-112
The legislature PL 93-112 is enacted, this rehabilitation law is known as section 504 which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This is a federal civil rights law that is enforced with the withholding of federal funds to any public institution that discriminates against individuals with any disability.
https://youtu.be/ULmCGI0tndI -
Education for All Handicapped children act
The Education for All Handicapped children act is passed. This legislature ensures that all children with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education. Due to the passing of this law, the efforts and effectiveness of teaching children with disabilities were assessed and monitored to assure that all children with disabilities were being provided with FAPE. https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html -
Americans with Disabilities Act PL 101-336
Americans with Disabilities Act PL 101-336 becomes law in the United States. This law prohibits any discrimination against anyone with a disability. This law was a civil right win for individuals with disabilities. This law was created to stop the discrimination and segregation of individuals with disabilities. https://www.ada.gov/pubs/adastatute08.htm#12101 -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act is passed. This act supports the IDEA legislature including the provisions of the No Child Left Behind act. This creates an adjustment in the IEP process along with holding schools accountable with due process and the monitoring and evaluation of students with disabilities. This law held schools liable to meeting their students with disabilities IEP goals and their needs.