Industrial Revolution
There is no exact date of the start of the Industrial Revolution because it was not an event, but a process. It saw Britain become the "workshop of the world", due to many new ideas, inventions and methods which meant things could be produced more cheaply, easily and effectively. The rural economy powered by people in the countryside working on the land quickly transformed into an urban economy fueled by the new jobs in manufacturing and commerce in the cities. -
American Declaration Of Independence
In the 18th century, the United States of America was not a country, it was a colony of Great Britain. In the year 1776, some important American public figures met in Philidelphia to discuss the creation of a "Declaration of Independence" - a paper which stated why America should be a independent country rather than a colony ruled by the King of England, The job of construcing this paper was given to John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman. -
Start Of The French Revolution
King Louis XVI of France was having a financial crisis and in a last attempt to amend the issue he reluctantly convened the Estates General in order to create a new land tax to solve his problem. However the group of peasants, who called themselves the "National Assembly" refuted this new land tax as it would hit them hardest with no benefit, and demanded a new consitution. Tension icreased and eventually a mob stormed the Bastille, and eventually destroyed the monarchy and executed King Louis. -
Battle Of Trafalgar
Fought off Cape Trafalgar on the Spanish coasts between Britain and the combined fleets of Spain and France, Britain led by Nelson and France by Napoleon, who intended to invade Britain. The British cut the French line of battle and destroyed or captures the majority of their ships, however a French marksman spotted Nelson and shot him. A statue of Nelson was erected in Trafalgar Square and his vessel the HMS Victory (I VISITED IT :D) serves as a shrine to the country's rich naval history. -
Typographer Is Invented
Patented by William Austin Burt in 1829, it is considered to be "the actual construction of a type writing machine for the first time in any country" This was the first time that documents did not have to be hadnwritten. The image accompanying this text is of the first ever letter written on the Typographer, and states that it is "the most novel and most useful, as well as pleasing invention of the age." -
Slavery Abolished In The British Empire
The Slavery Abolition Bill 1833 was passed by the House of Commons and by the House of Lords and came into force 1st August 1834 after recieveing royal assent. The purpose was descried in the preamble to the bill as "the abolition of slavery throughout the British colonies", "for promoting the industry of manumitted slaves", "for compensating the persons hitherto entitled to the services of such slaves." -
American Civil War
In the spring of 1861, decades of simmering tensions between the northern and southern United States over issues including states' rights versus federal authority, westward expansion and slavery exploded into the American Civil War (1861-65). The election of anti-slavery republican Abraham Lincoln caused the rupture in peace, and after 4 years of battle which pitted brother against brother, millions had been injured and many more had been killed. The South surrendered in 1865. -
Telephone Is Invented
Alexander Graham Bell sucessfully tests the telephone with his assistant. It revolutionizes communication due to it ease of use and higher efficiency than the telegram or previous methods of communication. -
Electtric Lightbulb Is Invented
Thomas Edison officially creates the first pratical electrically powered light bulb. This changed the world because it now allows for industrial processes to continue into the night due to the greater amount of light output compared to a candle. Workers can now work any time of day. -
Outbreak Of World War 1
Explaining why World War 1 began is not a simple feat. World War 1 broke out for many reasons, none if which is more significant than all the rest. Some of the reasons were the growing imperialistic and militaristic attitudes of European leaders at that time, which sparked the arms race and Germany's determination to gain international influence, a French desire for revenge, the build up of alliances, seemingly in anticipation of an aggressive war and the assasination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand. -
Takeover of Vladmir Lenin
Following the Russian February Revolution of 1917, when a provisional government took over the country after Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown, Lenin's Bolshevik party found massive and unexpected support. They heavily used propaganda to sway the public to their radical communist views. The true Bolshevik Revolution occured in October 1917, led by Lenin and Trotsky into Russia's then-capital of Petrogad. The new Soviet government was formed and there was hardly anyone left to oppose him.