Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Jan 1, 1351
The Black Death
Also known as the Bubonic plague, the Black Death killed millions of Europeans in the 14th Century. The plague is said to have originated in Mongolia and through trading (and rats and fleas) eventuall reach Europe. -
Period: Jan 3, 1415 to Jan 3, 1417
Council of Constance burns Hus and Ends Great Schism
The Council of Constance ended the Great Schism by disposing of or accepting the resgnation of the Popes and electing a new Pope. -
Jan 1, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
The Byzantine Empire fell and the Ottoman Empire took over Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul. -
Jan 3, 1453
End of Hundred Years' War
A war that lasted a bit more than 100 years but consisted of the French and the English at War. -
Jan 3, 1455
Invention of Printing Press
Jan 3, 1492
Colmbus Encounters America
Columbus discovers the Americas after trying to find a route to Asia -
Jan 3, 1492
Completion of Reqonquista in Spain
The Spanish rid the peninsula of Muslims -
Jan 3, 1517
Luther posts 95 Theses
Protest against the selling of Indulgences -
Jan 3, 1519
Cortez conquers Aztecs
Cortez, thanks to higher technology and disease are able to conquer the aztecs -
Jan 3, 1534
Act of Supremecy in England vreates the Anglican Church
The English Separate themselves from the Pope (allowing the King to do as he pleased, which included divorcing his wife) and in the Anglican Church, the King is the Head of the Church. -
Jan 3, 1536
Calvin Establishes reformedfaith in Geneva
Jan 3, 1543
Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory
The Heliocentric theory was the theory that the sun was the center of the universe and the Earth revolved around it. At the time of its publication it was believe that the Earth was the center of the universe -
Jan 3, 1545
Council of Trent opens
A council of the Catholic Church -
Jan 3, 1555
Peace of Augsburg ends religious wars in Germany; Charles V abdicates.
Religious Wars such as Protestant Vs. Catholic -
Defeat of Spanish Armada
The English defeat the Spanish Armada -
Edict of Nantes ends French Religious Wars
The French Catholics Vs. the Huguenots -
Dutch East India Company founded
Dutch found their Company befre the English but the Company of the English does better. -
Stuart Monarchy begins in England
Queen Elizabeth did not have any children making the Stuart family next in line for the throne. -
Peace of Westphalia ends Thirty Years' War
Orignially about Religion, the war shifted from being a religious war to a rivalry between countries. -
Charles 1 executed in England
Charles the First Vs. Parliament on divine rights and other matters -
Newton publishes Principa Mathematica
Talks about Newtons laws of motion -
Period: to
Peter the Great's reign begins in Russia
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
It is called a Glorious Revolution due to no or very little blood shed in England. -
Bank of England Founded
Served as a model for most modern central banks -
Period: to
Peace of Utrecht; Death of Louis XIV
War of Spanish Succession -
War of Austrian Succession begins
Prussia invades Silesia and the war begins -
Treaty of Paris ends Seven years War
Also known as the French and Indian War. Can also be argued that it was the first World War as it took place in several parts of the world. -
American Revolution; Smith publishes Wealth of Nations
Americans fight for independence -
French Revoluion Begins
The French revolt against their King and Queen -
Wollstonecraft begins feminist movement with the Vindication of Rights of Women
Wollstonecraft fights for the equality of women in Europe. She wishes for women to be equal as men and be respected as so. -
Napoleon comes to power in France
Napoleon becomes Emporer, even though he was not born in France -
Abdication of Napoleon; Congress of Vienna
Napoleon was forced to abdicate after different European countries invaded France. -
Period: to
Revolutions in France; Belgian and Greek independence
Greece fought for independence from the Ottomans and achieved. -
Revolutions of 1848; Marx and Engels publish Communist Manifesto
Several Revolutions swept Europe in 1848 due to dissatisfaction and other problems among the lower and middle classes. -
Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britian
World fair, exhibitiona of culture and industry. -
Britain establishes direct rule of India
Due to trade, Britain decided to take control of India instead of having trading settlements -
Darwin publishes Origin of the Species
Darwin said in his book that populations evolve due to natural selection -
Italy unified; Russian serfs emancipated
AT first being an area of ifferent republics and city-states, the italian continued to purse their unification unitl they were finally able to achieve it. Although the constant conquering (France, Austria) of Italy did not help the italians in their unification, they were able to eventually unite. -
Unification of Germany; Paris Commune and Third Republic in France
Originally under the Holy Roman Empire the German states became one, creating Germany. -
Period: to
Berlin Conference over Imperialism in Africa
The Berlin Conference regulated colonization and trade in Africa. -
Freud publishes Interpretation of Dreams
Freud views dreams as a way to "fulfill wishes", as he believes it attempts to resolve unconscious conflict of some sort. -
Einstein publishes relativity theory; Revolution of 1905 in Russia
The relativity theory includes things like Spacetime, saying that space and time should be seen as one instead of two separate things etc. -
World War I begins
The war had two sides, the Allies and the Central powers. The Allies consisted of the United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire (later on the United States, Italy, and Japan). The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and later the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. -
Treaty of Versailles ends World War I
The War ended with Germany and Austria-Hungary surrendering. -
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
This being the second revolution, the "old" Russia was replaced by a communist government. -
Fascists and Mussolini come to power in Italy
totalitarian form of government -
Great Depression begins
A period in which there was very little money. -
Hitler comes to power in Germany
Hitler along with his party the Nazis come to power -
Munich Conference-Height of Appeasement
allowed Germany to annex certain areas of Czechoslovakia -
World War II begins
World War II begins with Germany attacking its neighbors and the United States enters when attacked by the Japanese. -
World War II ends; United Nations Formed
WWII ends with the division of Germany. -
NATO formed
North Atlantic Treaty Organization -
European Coal and Steel Community Formed (ECSC)
This created a common market for the member nations to get coal and steel. -
Stalin dies
Leader of the Soviet Union -
Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech; Hungary revolt
Speech talks about undoing and fixing what Stalin did -
Treaty of Rome creates European Economic Community; sputnick launched
Early EU -
Fifth republic of France under DeGaulle
The fifth republic emerged after the fourth had failed and collapsed -
Berlin Wall Erected
The Berlin Wall separates West and East Germany -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Threat that Cube could launch missiles against the US. -
Second Vatican Council begins
Addresses relations between the Catholic Church and the modern world -
Student revolts; Czech "Prague Spring" revolt
an attempt to grant more rights to the citizens of Czechoslovakia -
Helsinki Accords-Height of detente
Addressed a range of global issues and was signed by 35 countries -
John Paul II elected Pope
second longest serving pope -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan; Thatcher elected prime minister in Britain
The Soviet Union sent thousands of troops into afghanistan and tried to subdue the Afghan civil war -
Solidarity founded in Poland
Labour Union wanted Solidarity -
Gorbachev comes to power in the Soviet Union
New leader -
Berlin Wall falls and collapse of communism
Germany becomes a whole once again. -
Break-up of Soviet Union; Balkan conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia
The Soviet Union is no more, the countries become separate. -
Maastricht Treaty creates European Union (EU)
European Union includes several different countries in Europe which aid each other and share the same currency. -
Euro Currency introduced
Currency used by members of the European union -
Terrorist Attacks on United States
The United States world trade centers were attacked on September 11th, 2001.