Important dates of the Middle Ages

  • 529

    Benedictine Order

    The first monastic order, the Benedictine Order was founded in 529, in Monte Cassino.
  • 756

    Papal State

    The Papal State was formed, which means the pope weren't just a religious leader from that date but the head, the ruler of a state.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Roman Catholic Church with the pope at the helm and the Eastern Orthodox Church became religious enemies.
  • 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    The duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror won the battle against England and conquered the territory.
  • 1075

    Dictatus Papae

    Gregory VII published a list of new rules about the rights of the pope.
  • 1077

    Walk to Canossa

    Henry IV walked to Canossa in order to "force" the pope to forgive him after he was excommunicated.
  • 1187

    Battle of Hattin

    Sultan Saladin managed to defeat the Christians and took back Jerusalem.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta Libertatum

    This is a document with 67 points, which actually controls the king himself and sets rules for him.
  • 1295

    Model Parliament

    Edward I. called the Model Parliament in order to conquer Wales together.
  • 1302

    Estates General

    The French court, The Estates General was called together for the same reason as in the case of Model Parliament; to lauch a war.