Important dates in US history

  • American Independence

    American Independence
    America Gains their independence from Great Britain
  • American civil war

    American civil war
    The north goes to war with the south over the freedom for slaves
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    America goes to war with Mexico
  • WW1

    America declares war on Germany and is now in WW1
  • WW2

    America declares war on Germany and Japan.
  • America goes to war with Vietnam

    America goes to war with Vietnam
    America fights the communist in vietnam
  • 9/11

    the twin towers where attacked along with the pentagon
  • America goes to war with Afghanistan

    America goes to war with Afghanistan
    America goes to war with Afghanistan for the attacks on 9/11
  • America fights Iraq

    America fights Iraq
    America goes to war with iraq over oil
  • The death of Bin Laden

    The death of Bin Laden
    U.S. Navy Seals kill Bin Laden