Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
This case ruled that no student with a mental disability could be denied access to a public education. This case marks the very beginnings of special needs students gaining the right to a proper and more fulfilling education. Source: Vaughn, S., Bos,
Image link: http://ulccaselaw.com/wp-content/images/court4-300x199.jpg -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
This act created many equal opportunities for disabled individuals through the banning of discrimination against said persons from any organization using federal funds. This also meant that persons with disabilities owul dnow have a greater chance of gaining equal schooling and working opportunities. Source: Vaughn, S., (pg. 9)
Image link: http://www.coshdd.org/images/DisabledWorker.jpg -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
This law made it so that all public schools would now be required by law to give students with disabilities a "mainstreamed" education. This law also brought into greater action the use of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Source:Vaughn, S., (pg. 6) -
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
The Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments were an important part of the history of inclusive teaching in a few difernet ways. One main reason they were important is that they helped establish intervention programs for young children. These earl interventions would become incredibly important when learning how to begin helping young students prepare for an inclusive education as they enter school. Source: Vaughn, S., (pg. 6)
Image link: http://boomerangplay.co.uk/files/6814/0318/0125/toddl -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
A public law in the U.S. that was created to help protect people of disability from discrimination. This included not only protecting against discrimination in an education setting, but also in a work environment. Source: Vaughn, S., (pg 6)
Image link: https://www.aclusandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/ADA-Sign.png -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
An act that came into play 25 years ago. This act established many great things for special needs students such as clarifying language when referring to special needs students, providing bilingual services in education, increasing confidentiality for students/parents, adding new categories to better define disabilities, and more. Source: Vaughn, S., (pg. 6)
Image link: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DEcK-2aLjf4/VAFVctmKESI/AAAAAAAAAXY/zvMEkI4Zpyc/s1600/idea.gif -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
The No Child Left Behind Act was an important advance in education all across the board. For students with special needs, it meant that there would be more access to mainstreaming in general education classes and more opportunities to work with special education staff within a general education classroom. Source: Vaughn, S., (pg. 7)
Image link: http://www.arizonansagainstcommoncore.com/NCLB.jpg -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
This fairly recent act allowed for even more focus on getting special needs students the education they desire and deserve. The "response-to-intervention" model appears and funds increase to help schools meet all student’s needs. This act is especially important because it shows that, as a country, we are still continuing to grow and gain even more insight on how to best create inclusive classrooms. Source: Vaughn, S., (pg. 7)
Image link: http://www.shef.ac.uk/polopoly_fs/1.18991!/image/blue20