Phase 1 Building Design Signed-Off
IB Curriculum Announced
Bring Your Own Device for Grade 3 + Announced
Period: to
Get Going with BYOD and 'Flipped Classrooms' ...then get better
Faculty recruitment commences
Flip Recruitment Process
Invite faculty candidates to DROPBOX for exploration before interview
GIS WEBSITE with links to Youtube videos (Asynchronous Learning)
Recruit ICT Coaches
BYOD Hardware Specifications posted to Webpage
ICT Blueprint for Mid-Market+ Schools Announced
Invite Faculty to Identify Tech Tools that work in 1:1 environments (Flipped Classrooms)
TOPAC model shared wiith Faculty - think NEW PEDAGOGY
ICT Order Finalized
Google + Community for Community Building and Faculty PD
In-Service for Ian and Gavin begins
Faculty Orientation Commences
Faculty Survey of Technology Beliefs, Understandings and Skills
Grade Level Communities Form and Leaders Identified
Work Commences on Classroom Circles and Edmodo
ICT Coaches begin supporting teachers develop PEDAGOGY and resources for 'Flipping' their classrooms
IT Blueprint for Faculty In-service
Student and Parent ICT Suvey/Audit
Curriculum Night (presentations posted on YouTube)
Flipped School Afternoon Sessions Commence
BYOD Satisfaction Survey #1
Lessons Learned Term 1 BYOD Session
Use Lessons Learned Feedback to Revise ICT Blueprint
Term 2 ICT In-service Programs Commence
Term 2 BYOD Satisfaction Survey
Term 2 BYOD Lessons Learned Session
Use Term 2 Lessons Learned to Revise ICT Blueprint
Term 3 ICT In-Service Program Commences
ICT Budget Proposal for SY 2014-2015
Term 3 BYOD Satisfaction Survey
BYOD Lessons Learned Session
Use Lessons Learner to revise ICT Blueprint for SY 2014-2015