SIP Strategies Presented to School Improvement Team
Original stakeholder involvement plan strategies were presented to the SIT Team. Some revisions have taken place since then. -
Period: to
Implementation of HCMS Marketing Plan SIP
SIP Team Meeting
SIP Team will meet to approve dates for all activities, such as student-led conferences and curriculum night. Sub-committees for Common Core workshops, positive communication, and increased attendance at non-athletic events will be selected. -
1st Common Core Workshop
Our 1st Common Core Workshop should be scheduled in the month of September. Parents still have a lot of questions about Common Core. The sooner we can clear those questions and misunderstandings up, the quicker parents will be able to support teachers in helping their kids achieve academic progress. -
Curriculum Night
Curriculum night should be scheduled one night during the month of October. This event should be fun, colorful, and interactive. There should be a technology element. Parents need to see some of the fantastic activities that teachers are using in class using the Smart Boards. -
1st Student-Led Conferences
The first student-led conference night should be scheduled during the month of November. This will be right after the first grading period. This event should be heavily promoted. We need to get our students excited about the event so that they will encourage their parents to attend. -
SIP Team Meeting and Evaluation of Fall Activities
SIP Team will meet and evaluate effectiveness of fall activities. Rubric that team created will be used. Recommendations for improvements/modifications will be made. -
Attendance Committee Review
Attendance sub-committee will need to meet, as needed, throughout the year. This sub-committee should contain parents, teachers, and even students. What are we doing to increase attendance at non-athletic events? -
Literacy Night
Literacy night should be scheduled one night during the month of February. It was suggested that perhaps parents could read a shorter A.R. book with their children and then watch their child take an A.R. test. There have been a lot of questions about exactly how A.R. operates. This event should be fun and engaging. Perhaps we could have a theme or different stations. The media coordinator and literacy coach will be a valuable support here. -
2nd Student-Led Conferences
Our second student-led conference night should be scheduled in the month of March. This will give students, parents, and teachers time to address concerns before summative testing. -
Positive Press Efforts Should Be Ongoing
Positive press committee should meet, as needed, throughout the year. Those teachers who have done write-ups for local newspapers should be given opportunities to share their knowlege, to include local contact information for newspaper employees, with the staff. -
SIP Team Meeting for Final Evaluation
The SIP Team final meeting will take place in June of 2014. This is when we will evaluate all activities for the year, especially efforts made during the last two quarters. The rubric that we created will be used to evaluate all activities. Recommendations for improvements and modifications will be made.