Dec 5, 1492
US occupation of the Dominican Republic (1905)
The recorded history of the Dominican Republic began on December 5, 1492, when the European navigator Christopher Columbus encountered a large island in the region of the western Atlantic Ocean that later came to be known as the CaribeEl recorded history of the Republic Dominican began on December 5, 1492, when the European navigator Christopher Columbus encountered a large island in the region of the western Atlantic Ocean that later came to be known as the Caribbean -
Philippine Insurrection
was an armed conflict between the United States and the Philippine revolutionaries.The war and occupation in the US They would change the cultural landscape of the islands, as those treated with an estimated 34,000 to 220,000 Filipino victims -
Hay-Buanau-Varilla Treaty
was a treaty signed on November 18, 1903, by the United States and Panama, that established the Panama Canal Zone and the subsequent construction of the Panama Canal -
Roosevelt Corollary
El Corolario Roosevelt es un corolario a la Doctrina Monroe que fue articulada por el presidente Theodore Roosevelt en su Estado de la Unión en 1904 después de la crisis de Venezuela de 1902 a 1903 -
Cuban Intervention (1906)
was a major military operation in America which began in September 1906 -
The Great White Fleet
era el apodo popular para la Armada de Estados Unidos flota de batalla que completó una circunnavegación del globo -
Panama Canal (completion of the canal)
It is 77.1 kilometers (48 mi) ship canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean (via the Caribbean Sea) and the Pacific Ocean.