Imperialism Time Line

By gammo
  • Period: to

    Imperialism Time Line

  • The Purchase of Alaska

    The Purchase of Alaska
    Russia sold Alaska to Secretary of state Andrew Seward because out of fear of British Takeover. The US bought it for 7.2 million and it gave the US a large amount of land
  • the book Our Country; Its Possible Future and Present Crisis

    the book Our Country; Its Possible Future and Present Crisis
    revered Josiah Strong wrote this book and it stated that Protestant Americans had a religious duty to colonize other lands in order to spread Christianity and the Benedict of their superior civilization. Increased expansionist sentiment.
  • Blaine and the Pan American Conference

    Blaine and the Pan American Conference
    Representatives from Nations gathered and agreed on hemispheric trade and cooperation. US was led by James G Blaine.
  • The book The influence o Sea Power Upon History

    The book The influence o Sea Power Upon History
    A book written by Alfred Thayer Mahan that argued that a strong Navy was crucial to countries ambitions of securing foreign markets. This book increased expansionists sentiment.
  • Boundary dispute between Venezuela and Guiana

    Boundary dispute between Venezuela and Guiana
    The US told Britain that the dispute was part of the Monroe Doctrine. The decision to step in helped with US and British relations later down the line and Latin American countries appreciated.
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    Written by a Spanish minister, Dupuy de Lome, the letter was highly critical of president McKinley. Many considered an official Spanish insult which raised expansionist sentiment and led to the war.
  • Hawaii Becomes Territory

    Hawaii Becomes Territory
    The Hawaiian islands became a territory of the United Stated. At first, President Cleveland did not want it, but the outbreak of war in Philippines gave congress and President McKinley the pretext to complete Annexation.