The U.S. issued the Ostend Manifesto o Europe. The purpose was to to annex Cuba for slavery. Thery decided to take Cuba by force if Spain would not relinquish it. -
Secretary of State Seward obtains Alaska from Russia for expansion and oil purposes. -
Queen Liliuokalani abdicates the throne after Hawaii is overtaken by John L. Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Hawaii. Sanford Dole executed this for planting purposes. -
Admiral Dewey defeats the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay and claims the Philippines. The Philippines were useful for sugar plantations and coaling stations. -
Puerto Rico
The Foraker Act is put into place, which makes Puerto Rico a territory of the U.S. It was originally used for docking warships. -
Panama Canal
England and the U.S. sign the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. The treaty states that the U.S. can build a canal for trade.