
  • 1400

    Europeans began to sail south around Africa

    They were trying to reach the spices found in India and China
  • 1500

    European traders began to sell Africans guns while the European people made goods for slaves

    The slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americans to work on making sugar
  • 1500

    The Europeans began to build trading posts in Africa

    Built trading post so it would be easier to trade
  • The Europeans taking over another country for the resources

    The resources were very helpful to the country
  • Europe had taken nearly all of Africa

    The only country to remain uncolonized was Ethiopia
  • South Africa was granted independence from Great Britain

    White people were a small group in South Africa, but they controlled the government and businesses
  • The Kikuyu people began a political organization

    To fight for freedom from Great Britain
  • The Kikuyu people began a political organization

    To fight for freedom from Great Britain
  • Italy invaded country

    It was kind of a small country so it was easy to attack
  • Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanism

    Was a belief in the unity of all Black Africans worldwide
  • White South Africans made apartheid law

    Apartheid is a policy of legal separation based on race
  • Africans began to rebel against colonization

    Inspired by the events of World War II
  • Sudan gained its independence from Great Britain

    In the northern part of the country most people were Muslim Arabs
  • People in the south rebelled against northern rule

    This caused 2 civil wars
  • Ghana gained it's independence

    Pan-Africanism inspired Jomo Kenyatta to agitate for freedom
  • Nigeria became independent after a struggle with British

    There was a struggle between the two so Nigeria became independent
  • Belgium Congo became independent

    The country was unable to create a fair government
  • Independence came to Rwanda

    Violence broke out and the Hutu took control.
  • Kenya became independent

    Jomo Kenyatta would become the newly independent Kenya’s first leader
  • Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions

    As an adult, he began to protest apartheid. Which was what led him to prison.
  • Joseph Mobutu seized power

    After becoming independent, they were not able to create a fair government so Joseph took over. He renamed the country Zaire. He ruled for 35 years
  • 1st Civil war ends

    The war lasted 16 years. Millions of people died
  • Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent

    They named their new country Biafra.The things the Igbo did launched a civil war
  • 2nd Civil War

    This was the second war that this caused
  • F.W. de Klerk was elected president of South Africa

    He realized apartheid could not continue
  • The president announced the end of apratheid and released Nelson Mandela from prison

    He had realized that apartheid was a bad thing so he had to end it
  • Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

    They were awarded this for ending the apartheid
  • South Africa held its first open elections

    Nelson Mandela was elected the new President
  • Rwanda continued to experience violence

    Between 800,000 to 1 million Tutsi people were murdered. Eventually the Tutsi came back into power
  • 2nd Civil war ends

    The second war ended finally after 22 years. Millions of people died
  • People in Tunisia began to annoy and kind of make them have a more Democratic government.

    This movement became know as the Arab Spring.
  • Udan recognized South Sudan’s independence

    Udan finally recognized their independence.
  • President Ben Ali resigned

    A democratic government was elected. Same things happened in Algeria and Morocco