Imperial China

  • 581

    Sui Dynasty

    In A.D. 581, a Chinese general declared himself emperor. He won many battles. After he died, his son Yangdi became emperor. Yangdi tried to regain back lost lands, repaired the Great Wall of China, and build the Grand Canal. The Sui dynasty ended after the farmers revolted and killed Yangdi.
  • Nov 17, 618

    Tang Dynasty

    In A.D. 618, one of Yangdi's generals took over China. The Tang dynasty lasted for nearly 300 years - from A.D. 618 to A.D. 907. Tang rulers wanted to restore China's government; they made lots of changes to advance the government and gain back power. They increased trade yet by the mid-A.D. 700s, Turkish nomads drove Tang armies out of central Asia and took control of the Silk Road. The Silk Road was not very safe for Chinese merchants so trade and the economy went down.
  • Jan 20, 700

    Tang trade

    They increased trade yet by the mid-A.D. 700s, Turkish nomads drove Tang armies out of central Asia and took control of the Silk Road. The Silk Road was not very safe for Chinese merchants so trade and the economy went down.
  • Nov 17, 960

    Song Dynasty

    The Song dynasty ruled from A.D. 960 to A.D. 1279. During this time, the Chinese made many achievements and prospered. They didn't have enough military forces to protect themselves so groups of nomads took over parts of China. the Song rulers had to move to the city of Hangzhou.
  • Nov 17, 960

    Genghis Khan conquered China

    He was elected ruler in A.D. 1206. In A.D. 1211, thousands of Mongol horsemen invaded China. Within 3 years, the Mongols had take control of all of northern China.Then they invaded kingdoms that controlled parts of the Silk Road. Genghis Khan died in A.D. 1227.
  • Nov 17, 1260

    Yuan Dynasty

    In A.D. 1260, the grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai, became the new Mongol ruler. In A.D. 1264, Kublai established his capital at Khanbaliq. In A.D.1279, he finished conquering southern China. Kublai started the Yuan dynasty. The Mongols practice Buddhism and respected Confucian writings.They have their own language, laws, and culture.They traded tea,silk,and porcelain for silver, carpets, cotton, and spices. They also build ships and expanded seagoing trade.
  • Jan 20, 1264

    Kublai Khan

    In A.D. 1264, Kublai established his capital at Khanbaliq. In A.D. 1279, he finished conquering southern China.