USA Arrival
The government was in collapse in China and i didnt like the communism there, and the economy and job availability was very good in the USA, so here I am! -
Period: to
Feng Li's immigration Experience
I had finally found a job in a factory. It was very low paying and it required a lot of hardworking hours, but i did it for about 2 years. All of a sudden, all the chinese people in the factory were fired, including me. I will have to leave this racist place and find another job. -
Moving Out West
I couldn't sustain a job for longer than a month after being fired. I would get spit at and punched. I couldn't take it anymore. I saved up all my money and bought all of the food I could and stole a horse. My horse was eventually shot, so I had to travel on wagons secretly by night, and walk by day. I got there in six months. It was a very tolling journey for my body, My feet have blisters all over them and my skin is cracked from the sun. I really hope this trip was worth it. -
Aftrer a very tolling journey, I finally found a very hard and dangerous job. I will be laying down the railroad tracks and i will have to work very hard for low pay or else i will get fired. I can't get a job anywhere else because of reacism and I don't know how I can do this for much longer. Hopefully i can get enough money for my family to come visit because i miss them a lot and the Chinese government is still in collapse. -
Chinese Exclution Act
In the spring of 1882, the government passed an act called the Chinese Exclusion act, making it so no Cinese people can get to America. This also caused a lot of Chinese people to not be able to get any jobs and got laughed at because of racism. -
After working on the railroads for two years, I finally saved up enough money for my mom, dad, and brother to come to America. I sent them a package of money and everything was going well, but they told me that they couldn't come to America because of this new act was passed named the Chinese Exclution act that made it so the Chinese couldn't go into America. I don't know what to do anymore. America has been cruel to me. -
Free Land
After working my way up to the boss of 3he company that puts out the railroad tracks, I earned more money. After earning more money, i bought a horse, which made me faster and I won the race for free land! And now i found a very nice girl who i think i might marry! America was actually a very good place after all and i want to live here for the rest of my life!