Immigration Timeline

  • Prejudice in the city

    Prejudice in the city
    After I had gotten through the Ellis Island Immigration station, I was walking the streets, trying to find a room for the nights to come, when I saw a sign on the side of a small store that said: "Help Wanted: No Irish Need Apply". I was shocked. I walked over to the small store and stormed into the shop to protest against the prejudicial sign. I walked in, and started to talk to the clerk. Right when I started talking, from my accent he could tell that I was Irish. He threw me out of the store.
  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion 1860-1861

  • Robbed!!

    I came out of the room that I was renting at about 9:00 in the morning. I stepped out onto the streets, and started to walk to the bank to put my earnings for the week into my account. I was walking in that direction when a man ran out from an alley and ran into me. I had fallen to the ground, and he was very apologetic. He offered to help me up, which I thought was very kind of him. After helping me up, he hurried off very quickly. Soon after this, I realized that the weeks earnings were gone.
  • A New Job

    A New Job
    Because I was robbed, I wasn't able to pay the rent for my room. I ended up being ejected by the renter. I had to get a better paying job. I ended up working in a textile mill, which paid higher than my previos job, but was harder and more dangerous. With the savings from this job, I could buy myself a horse to get to the west.
  • The hospitable Hospital

    The hospitable Hospital
    I was riding my horse as my main source of transportation. I was going for the free land, that the homestead act had offered. I was riding toward the land that I wanted to make mine, when a bullet thudded into my chest!! The pain was very near unbearable. I passed out, and fell onto the grassy plain. Luckily, a doctor happened to be riding by on his horse, in his own search for the perfect land. He took me to a hospital, where they would eventually remove the bullet and get me back to normal.
  • Bank robbery!!

    Bank robbery!!
    After getting shot, I decided that the west was a dangerous place, so I didn't want to live there anymore. I was renting a room in the same place that had put me on the streets. Suddenly, I heard yelling and screaming in the streets. "There's been a robbery!!!" I immediately rushed out into the streets. The shouts were coming from the direction of the bank! I went to the bank to make sure all of my money was still there,and found out that I had NOTHING!
  • Prizefighting

    The aftermath of the bank robbery was that I now had absolutely no money AT ALL. Now, I had to find a well paying job, and rebuild my savings. I steped out from my room in the Irish section and started walking, when I saw a man beating up a small Chinese man! I walked up to him and started to protest. His fist flew, and I ducked. I knocked out the man with one blow. The locals who saw this reccommended that I go to the prizefighting arena. After winning many matches, I rebuilt my savings.