immigration time line

  • I cam to the land of my dreams

    I cam to the land of my dreams
    I came to Amarica for freedom of religion and to get away from the tzar. I came to Amarica thru Elis Island and brought 50 dollars and a dager with a expensive rock on the hilt my dad gave me befor i left. I cam to NY and got stranted alone with no help. Then some one srole 25 dollars.
  • Period: to

    Pavel Bezrucov immigration

  • First job

    First job
    After meny days of serching for a job i found one at a sweat shop.
    I earnd 1 dollor a week for plucking chikens. It is hot and hard to work in a sweat shop.I also started to live in a run down house that had few features. no electricity, few windows but lots of craks and holes in the wall.
  • new life

    new life
    I am thinking about moving to the west after saving uo for a long time and selling my dads dager i bought supplies for the trip to the west. I put all of it in a sack borded my housres and set off west from all the racism about jews.
  • finaly in seattle

    finaly in seattle
    I came in the city of Seattle. I quekly became a loger in a forest near my giant farm that my new wife takes care wile i log. I get paid 3 dollors a week and steal a few small logs to heat up my house.
  • Happy ending

    Happy ending
    I settled finally and sent a letter to my family to come over .