Immigration of An Wong-Lu

  • Period: to

    Immigration dates

  • Immigration Day

    Immigration Day
    Hello! I am An Wong-Lu! On this day I departed from the port of Hong Kong in China, to set off on my exciting new voyage to the United States. i finally chose to leave China because of all of the poverty, famine, and war. I went to America to find a more desirable way of life, new jobs, and a new place for my parents to spend the rest of their lives.
  • Overseas Voyage

    Overseas Voyage
    I was very excited about my trip, until I discovere what steerage was. I sat in a hot, stuffy, smelly room full of fellow immigrants with the same crazy dreams I had. I went alone to America, for I am the only child and i don't want to risk my parents getting sick or lost in the new land. I arrived on Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay, and went through the legal tests and examines easily.
  • Agricultural Farmer

    Agricultural Farmer
    Almost immediatly after i stepped foot off of angel island I went hunting for a job. I found a farmer who offered me a job to help grow crops and tend to his fields, and i quickly agreed. Not long after I was in the fields many hours in the day working, and i would go home to a Chinatown in downtown San Francisco.
  • Diversity Conflict

    Diversity Conflict
    When i was asleep one night, I was waken by cries and the smell of smoke. When i ran out my room on the third floor of the building, i saw a riot of whites with torches and weapons, with shops and homes burning with people strewn across the ground. There were other acts like this, but not as severe as this one. I knew i had to leave, or i would be next.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    By the time I almost had enough money to bring my parents over and support them, and was living in a safer China town, the Exclusion Act was put into action. This act was when the white people became too scared of my culture taking up too much s of "their" jobs, so the banned Chinese from entering the United States. About nine years into the act, i recieved a letter from China saying my parents were too ill to come over, then died shortly after the note was sent.
  • Job search

    Job search
    After my parents died, I went into severe depression. My parents were the only part of my family I had left, and then they were gone. I stayed in my room for days, not going to work. After I finally decided to go back, the farmer said I had no buisness there anymore, and i was replaced. I had to live out my dream for my parents, so I fled to Seattle in search of more jobs.
  • Northern Bound

    Northern Bound
    After I realized I had to live out my dream for my parents and they would want me to do it, I quickly treked over to Seattle. When I got there, I went in search of a home and a job once again. I decided to take up two jobs this time, to make twice the money. The two jobs I took were as a lumberjack and a fisher.
  • Racist Repetition

    Racist Repetition
    I suddenly awoke to screams and smoke again in my even smaller chinatown in Seattle. I ran out of the doors of my apartment building but then collapsed from smoke inhalation. I woke up many hours later, dizzy but okay, and only the northern part of the China town was burnt down, so after i recovered i moved to the Southern end of the town.
  • Communication is Key

    Communication is Key
    I was out logging like any other afternoon but I was feeling quite tired from all the fishing, and i fell in the water so i had water in my ear. I heard a loud muffling coming from my logging buddy but didn't turn around. All i really remember is the noise of breaking branches and then a really loud crack and i went unconcious.
  • Scared of Change

    After reading this timeline, you can really see how much the white American people impacted our ways of life. They burned down our homes, killed our people, and didn't forgive us oor try to understand us. They tried to stop us coming to the United Staes all together becausde they were scared we would change the economy.