Immigration and Industrialization Timeline

By GavinN
  • The Dead Rabbits Riot

    The Dead Rabbits Riot
    a 2 civil disturbance in New York City from what was originally a small-scale street fight between members of the Dead Rabbits and the Bowery Boys
  • The Ku Klux Klan is Established

    The Ku Klux Klan is Established
    on this day in Pulaski, TN the KKK was founded
  • John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil

    John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil
    The day Rockefeller opened one of the most successful oil companies and becomes the worlds first billionare.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephone
    the day the telephone was patented.
  • The Great Oklahoma Land Race

    The Great Oklahoma Land Race
    A day where men and women rushed to get homes and several towns formed in one night
  • Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants
    this is the date that ellis island opens for processing immigrants.
  • The Wizard of Oz (Book) is Published

    The Wizard of Oz (Book) is Published
    the day the wizard of oz book was published for the first time.
  • J.P. Morgan Founds U.S. Steel

    J.P. Morgan Founds U.S. Steel
    The day J. P. Morgan will found US steel eventually making him a millionaire.
  • Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President of the United States

    Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President of the United States
    the day teddy roosevelt becomes president
  • Ford Motor Company is Founded

    Ford Motor Company is Founded
    the ford motor company is founded on this day
  • Ida Tarbell Publishes Her Article About Standard Oil

    Ida Tarbell Publishes Her Article About Standard Oil
    She revealed in this article that standard oil was essentially a monopoly.
  • The 16th Amendment is Passed

    The 16th Amendment is Passed
    the 16th Amendment was passed allowing Congress to have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes
  • Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants
    Another immigrant processing facility opens called angel island.
  • The 17th Amendment is Passed

    The 17th Amendment is Passed
    this amendment changed the way we choose our senators.
  • The Empire State Building Opens

    The Empire State Building Opens
    The day the empire state building opens.