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  • Born

    My name is Rileigh Preson. I am an Irish Immagrant. Read more about my journy to America
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Irish Potato Famine
    The Irish Potato Famine was a tragidy that effected my life Ireland. I lived on a farm with my brother and once the famine started we began to go hungry. With no food or income, I took it as a sign to move to America and am now excited to start my new life.
  • Arriving at Ellis Island

    Arriving at Ellis Island
    I have successfully arrived at Ellis Island. I am now on the long boat ride to America since I passed all my required tests. As the Statue of Liberty gets bigger, my excitement gets bigger.
  • Starting my Life in America

    Starting my Life in America
    I have recieved a job at a sweatshop from a very nice man. He also gave me a room in a tenement. Although, it is not as nice as my home in Ireland, I could still not be loving life more. I will start my journey to the West and open my clothing store once I have earned enough money.
  • Starting of my Journey to the West

    Starting of my Journey to the West
    I have lost my job and room due to not obeying my boss. I refused to work in the show room and he threw me out to the streets like last nights scraps. With no house or job, I have deicided to start my journy to the West. I just know life will be better there than it is here.
  • This Journey is a Hard Journey

    This Journey is a Hard Journey
    I feel blind, but I can see the fog ahead. I feel deaf but I can still hear the crys of the sad children. I feel dead, but I am alive. Everyday I tell myself it is worth it. It is worth the land. But is it really? There is little to no food or water. What has my idea of America come too?
  • Land For All!

    Land For All!
    I have arrived at the Land Office here in Ohio! Tomorrow will be the day I get my land. Tomorrow will be the day my life will change for the better.
  • A Happy Camper

    I am extremely happy I took this trip! My life is on fire...with my clothing shop doing amazing and my house as big as the creek itself! I am as rich as the meat on a cow.
  • Dead