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Immagration and Westward Expansion

By mlitv
  • Period: to

    History of my Immagrint


    After many months I have arrived in America. I had fled because of my religion being Judism and apperently our Russian govornment decided that I shouldn't be allowed to believe in what I do. Thankfully, being a lawyer in the mother land paid off because I have money to spare. Now to find a new home.
  • A New Home

    A New Home
    It took a few hours but I finnaly found an appartment that had working plumbing. It is rather expensive but I think that when I establish my new firm I will be able to afford an even better home. The gentleman next door to me seems nice. Maybe I will make my first american friend.
  • The Loan

    The Loan
    Many people are excited for the fourth, when America became free. Now that I have settled down, I have decided to to take out a loan so that I have the money for my new firm. I got the money I required but the back is a swarm of sharks! I have to pay 15% interest PER WEEK starting next month. I better hurry with the firm.
  • Ready to Go!

    Ready to Go!
    Its started! I found a plot of land that the city sold to me and I hired a building company. My law firm with be two stories and i found a man who will be willing to rent out the top story so that he can build a small resteraunt on top of my firm. It will help me because its extra money from rent coming in, and if I want a quick lunch during work.
  • On My Way!

    On My Way!
    My first client! The day after my firm was furnished and opened a man walked in ranting that his neighbor has stole his prized golden cat. Cat? Anyway some people see a man walk in. I see two weeks rent. When this case is over I think I'll go out for dinner, maybe order a nice steak.
  • The New Worker

    A man walked in today looking for a job. He didn't seem qualified to be a lawyer, but, he did have a knack for spotting things out. I told him that I needed an new investigator so that I didn't have to gather evidence myself. He agreed, and works for cheap! Soon I might be able to expand my buisness to the west.
  • Planning

    After my years of owning and working in the firm, I have decided to move westward. With so many farmers and such going there, who are they going to call when they need a sue somebody? I have already made arrangments to sell the firm. I am going to have plenty of money to leave with, and I already have a wagon and a person to get a team of oxen from. Thankfully all I really own is books and clothes.
  • On the road for the first time

    On the road for the first time
    We have finnaly set off, me and a few dozen other people have got their wagons ready to go and we set off west. I know most of these people will split off to got to the Oklahoma territory, but me and about five other families are going straight to Washington. Plenty of rain and trees, oh how I love the woods. Nobody here has heard of a lawyer moving west, that means that everybody will come to me for their legal needs. More profit for me I suppose. I hear the trip should take about a year. Yay!
  • Poor Ox

    Poor Ox
    Well, theres no quick way to say this so I'll just say it, one of my oxen had been bitten by some snake and just collapsed. I put him out of his misery. I always had a soft spot for animals. But, never waste a resource, I skinned him and we got plenty of meat for everybody from him. At least his death served a purpose. We passed a sign earlyer today saying that were now in Michigan. Apparently were traveling fast. Good, I want to settle down as soon as possible.
  • A new home

    A new home
    Were here! After months of travel we finnaly made it to Washington. I sold the ox and spent a few nights in my wagon before I purchased about 20 acres of land from a famer who wanted to move south. Luckey break! I already spoke to a construction company and soon, I will have a massive three story home overlooking, a lake! I'm also looking around town for buildings to purchase, there is a new row of buildings being made, I think I'll try to buy one of them for my firm.
  • The Girl

    The Girl
    I finnaly got up the nerve to ask a girl to dinner. I see her shopping around everyday and she still stops into the firm and says hi. I have had a soft spot for her ever sence I came here. She is a beautiful red headed women from Ireland. The firm is going well, plenty of clients and that means plenty of money. Have to remember to wear my best suit tommorow.
  • Wedding bells

    Wedding bells
    She said yes! After almost a year of dinners and brunches I finnaly got Annabell say yes to my proposal! The wedding is to be held next month on this day. She is going to live with me, she wasn't very wealthy working for the grocer but I never cared about money in a girl, I care for her personality. I can already imagine a life with her, growing old, having children, such a wonderful life that has been laid out for me.
  • Empty

    She, she's gone. Annabell is gone. When she went into labor the children came out fine (two boys (Ivan and Wendal) but the midwives coulden't stop the bleeding. I see no other reason to live except for the boys sake. I'm going to be like a father and mother to them. I'm going to put somebody in charge of the firm for me so that I can stay home with them. I also bought a cow to stay in the pasture so that the boys can feed without a mother. At least their ok. But without Annabell I feel empty.
  • Talents

    At the age of 13 both of my boys are displaying a natural talent for becoming lawyers, sure Ivan has his head in the clouds sometimes but I would support him completely if he really wanted to be a doctor. In a few years i'm going to retire and give them my firm. I already feel my age getting to me.
  • Its time

    Its time
    Well after many long years in America I have decided to give Wendell the firm while Ivan went to school to become a doctor. At least with my legacy I will leave behind plenty of money. And I hope that I raised my boys well and that they remember all that I have taught them about manners and kindness. I have lived a full life, but now its time to be reunited with Annabell
  • R.I.P

    Teviar Litvak. 1850-1908. Died at age 58. Widower to Annabell Litvak, Father to Ivan and Wendell Litvak. Died peacefully in his sleep. God rest his soul. R.I.P