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U.s constitution

Most important Events in The first U.S 100 years

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, written by Jefferson in Philadelphia in July 4, celebrated as the birth of American Independence. Its important because, All the amereicans can the indepence that they need.
  • The Constitution set up our Government

    The Constitution set up our Government
    Its impotant because the year of 1787,the U.S Consttution established for americas national government and fundemental laws that certain approve certain right for its citzens.
  • The Bill of of Rights Ratified

    The Bill of of Rights Ratified
    This set of laws is highly important because it serves as the basis is upon which the rights of every citizen are upheld.
  • The End of The Civil War and Slavery

    The End of The Civil War and Slavery
    The U.S Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution , to abolish slavery. The Amendment then is submitted to the states for ratisfaction.