In 1938 the DeBeers Diamond exchanged wanted to create a memorable slogan that is still used to this day -
In 1955 Ray Croc started posting the number of views by people across the world. As a way of reminding people to be careful about what they post on the internet -
This slogan came from Folger's Best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup -
Alka Seltzer
In 1969 Alka Seltzer showed us the after effects one person was feeling after he uploaded a company work video onto the internet -
american Express
In 1975 American Express got into the game using famous celebrities like Karl Malden to tell people to be mindful of their Digital Citizenship -
In 1984 the Wendy's corporation paid Saatchi & Saatchi to try and help people find their credit identity. -
Original slogan This is your brain, this is drugs, This is your brain on drugs -
In 1989 the energizer bunny was able to look into the future and forewarn us about the dangers of posting on YouTube -
Slogan Apple Think Different campaign -
Someone else had a similar idea. This picture was found on http://whoisdanfonseca.com/2010/08/31/google-yourself/ It is a play on What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas